Chapter Three

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Voldemort tried to keep the meeting about the rebels short at the Ministry, wanting to go over to Harrison's manor to talk to Elise some more, when people commented about Harrison's absence. Not like they saw him very often anyway.

"He's indisposed at the moment," was Voldemort's most diplomatic response.

A man snorted. Surprisingly alike Cornelius Fudge in looks, Voldemort only knew him as Morton. He supported Lucius and Voldemort, but made it quite clear that he saw Harrison as a fraud who had tricked them. He was most likely one of the people who had started the whole debate about Harrison's credibility as Nightmare Lord, and his immortality.

Had everything about Harrison been resolved with Morton's death, then Voldemort would have killed him ages ago. As it stood, Voldemort would earn nothing on his death, and thus had to wait.

"Is that what this so-called lord told you, lord Voldemort?" Morton asked.

"No, that's what I know," Voldemort replied. "I will need to talk to his servants very soon."

That didn't deter some of the people to wanting continue the meeting about the rebels. Voldemort knew the entire fight was most likely to lure Harrison there, and he was regretting ever asking Harrison for his assistance.

At last he could escape, leaving the last few questions up to Lucius, and immediately Apparated to Harrison's manor. Once he arrived outside of it, he thought it looked… a bit dimmer? A bit more like it was really old. A few stones had begun to crumble.

Harrison's magic was slowly disappearing, he realized. Age was catching up to the manor's exterior. He quickly moved inside.

Elise was the only one in the hall, and turned around as he came through the doors. She looked even more tired than before.

"What is happening?" Voldemort asked.

"Master's magic is keeping us… us. His. Keeping us as his. With the magic gone, we… aren't as strong. We live thanks to his magic."

"That means…?"

"The twins and Severus have collapsed," she continued. "They aren't dead, they're still breathing, but their energy is drained. Draco is having a look at them."

She led the way, walking there in silence and slightly hunched over. Voldemort had never seen her in that kind of state.

Three beds had been put into one of the sitting rooms, and Harrison's Draco was bent over Fred at the moment.

"Barely any magical signal," Draco concluded as they came up to him. "They're in a coma. I can't wake them from it, and I think that's for the best. They don't seem to get any worse, but they're not getting better either."

"It will continue then, I suppose," Elise said.


"But it will take a bit more time for the older ones?"

"Most likely," Draco said. "I can't tell how long though. Conserve your magic, Elise. Don't overdo it."

"The manor's exterior…" she began.

"Let it crumble," he told her. "Harrison wouldn't like it if you disappeared just to keep the manor going."

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