Chapter Two

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While Harry worked at Hogwarts, he still came back home from time to time when he wasn't on patrol to make sure no kids were up past the curfew. He usually didn't give Harrison a heads-up so when Harrison came up from the dungeons a few days after Voldemort's visit Harry was in the kitchen, trying to see what Lucian was cooking.


"You're home," Harrison said to Harry. "I thought you liked the food at Hogwarts?"

"I do, but I felt like coming back for the night."

"It's not long until school lets out for the summer."

"So that means I shouldn't visit?"

"I hardly think you miss us that much," Harrison said. "Besides, the twins go to Hogwarts fairly often."

"Yeah, but you don't."

"I go sometimes."

"Alright, so I heard about the rebels and I guess I just wanted to see you right now?"

"I'm fine," Harrison told Harry. "Come on, you haven't changed out of the robes you teach in. Aren't they uncomfortable?"

He pulled Harry out of the kitchen and had him change before they had dinner with Lucian, since he was the only servant home for the moment. Elise had gone out to collect some potion ingredients for Severus, the Weasley twins were off doing whatever they wanted for fun and the other servants all had errands to run.

"I thought it was quieter than usual. Their own errands?" Harrison asked.

"More or less," Lucian replied.

"Oh, good. I feared my memory had gone away for a moment there."

"Your memory does go away when it wants," Lucian told him.

"Thank you for making me feel old."

"You are old," Harry said.

"Hush you. Hang on, where's my Rabastan and Draco?" Harrison said.

"Draco fire-called from the hospital, saying he'd be late, and Rabastan went there to keep him company," Lucian said. "They'll be back later."

So apparently it was just the three of them for dinner, which was a bit unusual but Harry used the time to start grilling Harrison on what he knew about the rebels.

"I mainly know what Voldemort tells me about them," Harrison said. "Haven't really gone out of my way to find things out on my own, since he has official Ministry members doing that. Are you that worried about them, Harry?"

"I've heard rumours," Harry replied. "Also, they… I know Hermione and Ron. Hermione is smart, and people underestimate Ron too much so they usually never see him coming."

"He's good with strategies, right?" Harrison said. "Don't forget I had my own Ron back in the days. He was good with that."

"Yeah. Yeah, he is. So together they can wreck havoc. And you shouldn't underestimate the others either. Their hatred fuels their power."

"Oh, I know about that part very well," Harrison said. "Hatred is very powerful. I suppose they hate everything but themselves and their cause right now."

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