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When it was ten p.m., Stace shoved me out the door and told me to go to the church nearby then come back and tell her what happened. I agreed grumpily. I went to the church and sat down on a pew. Being in an empty church was creepy. I shut my eyes, folded my hands, and bowed my head. "Dear Heavenly Father, I get you might be busy up there but I really need you to help my family. I can't fight my father. I might been able to surprise him with that punch but it won't stop him. I'm afraid he'll eventually turn his attention away from me and my mother and attack my younger siblings.

"I can't fight him alone though I wish I could. But I'm not strong enough. Or brave enough to do it. Please, I am begging you. You don't have to worry about me. Just help my family," I finished wiping the tears that were rolling down my cheeks. I opened my eyes and sniffled. I had just stood up when there was a blinding light. I shut my eyes tightly and when I thought it was gone, I opened my eyes and gasped. Standing in front of me were two angels. "Wow," I breathed.

"Why are we here again, Micheal?" The one on the left said.

Micheal? As in the Archangel Micheal? "You heard that prayer," Micheal said. "The one that we have been waiting for is here." He looked at me. "In fact, she is standing right there."

I blinked and looked around. I was the only one here. I turned back to Micheal. "M-me?" I stammered.

He nodded. "You are the one we have been waiting for. The one who will finally kill all the demons who are lurking on this earth. You are the Reaper."

"The what now?" I asked confused.

The left Angel scowled. "You sure it's her? She's quite stupid."

"Raziel, do not insult the Reaper," Micheal said.

Oh, so that's Raziel. I hadn't known he was a jerk. "So there are such things as demons?" I asked.

"Yes. They are the children of Lilith and Gressil. They are around you all the time. Disguised as humans." He looked me in the eyes. "I will be giving you a gift to be able to see their true identities and a weapon that can fight them." He studied me for a minute. "I think you would do with a sword on each hand." He clapped his hands and two swords appeared. "These are Ninja Swords. They will work with your frame perfectly." He held them out. "They will also disappear and appear when you want them to.

I hesitated then took them. "Thank you." I made them disappear.

Then he turned to the other angel. "Raziel, you are to stay here on earth and help her."

"You mean to turn into a human?" Raziel said in disgust.

A warning look slid into Micheal's eyes. "Yes, but you will keep your wings in case of an emergency." Micheal lifted his hands and light swirled around me and Raziel. When it was gone I blinked. Several times. Raziel looked human. However, with Micheal's gift, I could clearly see that he was not one. "You both can heal from any injury. Except for a killing blow. Look, your bruises are gone," he said motioning to my neck and cheek.

At first, I was relieved then I began to panic. "Wait. I told my Mom my Dad had hit me. How am I going to explain that I'm not injured anymore? Stacy even saw the marks!"

Micheal held up a hand. "The people you have mentioned no longer remember that you were injured. Your father has no memory of hitting you too." He looked at me in the eyes. "YOu cannot tell anyone about this."

I thought for a minute. "What if they guess or see a demon?"

"Humans cannot see the demons but if they guess correctly then you may tell them."

I glanced at Raziel. "Does he have to stay with me all the time?"

Micheal frowned. "Yes. Is that a problem?"

ReaperOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz