Chapter 7

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--Lucy's POV--

The security guard opened the door and lightly pushed me inwards, I guess telepathically knowing I probably couldn't move without assistance.

There they were Jay, Max, Siva,Tom and Nathan smiling sweetly back at me. Nathan broke the silence, " Hi again, guys this is the girl I chose as my vacancy girl, I gave her a VIP pass to come see us." They all chorused various greetings. Shyly I replied, "Hi, I'm Lucy." Nathan walked towards me, my heart pounded. " Hi Lucy, it's nice to put a name to the beautiful face." I looked down and pushed up my glasses slightly and blushed a crimson colour. I realised I did that a lot when I got shy or nervous. I replied again softly, "Thanks." As you guessed I'm not the most confident.

He spoke softly back, trying to make me feel comfortable "Your very welcome." With a slight smirk and kind of glistening in his eyes. Then out of nowhere a loud yet thick Manchester accent bellowed from Max "C'mon baby Nath, stop flirtin' and let the rest of us say hi!" This made me giggle slightly.

--Nathan's POV--

"C'mon baby Nath, stop flirtin' and let the rest of us say hi!" Max bellowed, Lucy gave off the cutest giggle when Max said that, wow, she's a shy one. I stepped aside and gently placed my hand at the bottom of Lucy's back to direct her forward, as I did that I saw her look at me and gave off her shy yet kind of embarrassed smile which I gladly returned.

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