Chapter 14

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---Max's POV---
Me, Jay, Siva and Tom all made our way to Lucy's room to tell her the news.

Jay knocked on the door three times waiting for a reply it took a little while but eventually Lucy answered her cheeks as rosy as ever but we didn't question it, she smiled simply and invited us in, we walked and saw Nathan sat on the edge of Lucy's bed looking like he was trying to catch his breath... Suspicious rose inside me pondering over why they were acting strange, but I didn't have time to question it as Jay started the conversation " Well we're here because we've spoken to Jayne and she said she'll consider giving Lucy the deal but she needs to perform in front of Jayne so she can take it further" he stated, Lucy looked between us all " Wait! What deal? If it's something dodgy then I'm not interested!" She said confused, Nathan chuckled and replied " Not that kind of deal... A record deal! We saw you singing covers on YouTube and we convinced Jayne to consider giving you a record deal!"

The blush that was previously in Lucy's cheeks arose again in embarrassment now knowing we've seen her sing. She started up the conversation again " what? do I have to perform in front of Jayne so she can take it further and see if the people higher up want to give me a deal?" She clarified we nodded our heads 'yes' in unison, Siva mentioned " If you have a song in mind now, maybe you can sing for her now!" We all smiled at her reassuringly she stood and thought for a minute then replied "Ok" she smiled slightly afterwards I walked up to her and lightly grabbed her by the arm and playfully dragged her to Jaynes room excitedly really wanting her to get this record deal, I couldn't help but laugh and notice how she looked to Nathan for some sort of help but he only winked which once again made Lucy blush... Somethings going on here?

---Nathan's POV---
I sat there just holding Lucy, glad that she was safe, I pulled back slightly still holding her tight, she looked up timidly and I could just see the saddens in her eyes, for the past three days she's had nothing but trouble... Her mum chucked her out, she's been living on the streets, God knows what's happened whilst she was out there. Her eyes were glassy and glistening with tears I couldn't stop staring, she deserved happiness, I slowly leaned in my eyes kept wondering between her eyes and lips, no words needed to be said at this moment, silence was all that was needed, Lucy cottoned on what was happening and started copying my actions and lent in as well, in no time our lips met, they say eyes are hypnotising but nobody warned me about how hypnotic some bodies lips could be as well, she left me wanting more so I deepened the kiss by gliding my tongue along her lower lip, she slowly separated her lips letting me enter, our tongues fought for a little while but she let me win, she let me take the lead and I let her follow. In no time she was straddling my lap and my hands were gently placed on her petite but cute bottom, supporting her. Just when things were getting heated there was an interrupting knock on her door we pulled away slowly, and just looked at each other, I noticed the blush on her cheeks and that made me smirk, she smirked back and got off my lap to answer the door I didn't realise how long i'd been holding my breath and started to breath deeply trying to catch it back when all of a sudden the other lads came storming in all excited, which didn't surprise me.

After a small discussion we found out that Jayne would take it further if she heard Lucy sing, so the lads dragged her to Jaynes room, Lucy looked back at me, hoping for some sort of support but I just playfully winked which once again ,made her blush and followed suit with the boys to Jayne's room.
Hiya guys!!!
It's been a little while, this chapter isn't very good maybe a bit of a filler, plus I am very distracted by Mr Jeremy Kyle right now 😂 solvin' problems an' all 🤔

Anyway must admit it may be pretty boring but it should hopefully pick up in the next chapter or two... Sorry 😩 trying my best, it's my first story so kind of bare with me!

Thank you hunnies🤓🤓
LUCY 🙈❤️

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