My Parachute

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When I first met you I felt like I was falling off of a plane. I was scared, I was frantic, I was thinking of a way that I could save myself. I had felt this way all my life, constantly worrying for my safety because at any time the ground could . We talked for a while, I felt my fall slowing down. We talked for a few days, my fall had stopped.

"What is this?" I look down at my feet, and the ground had arrived. "How didn't I get hurt?" I sob at the feeling of safety and comfort. The wind no longer blows in my face, my limbs no longer franticly waving and kicking to block myself from my fall. I stand still wondering how this could be. You were my parachute. I never want to lose this feeling of calm and content you've brought me.

One day I'm afraid I'll jump off of another plane, and I won't have you to save me. Whenever you tell me that you love me, it's like floating in the air, my heart just expanding and pounding more every time you explain to me how much I mean to you. I'd like to be your parachute, and save you with my helium filled heart.

I never have to worry about falling off again, but worry about floating too high and getting lost in my own head. I'm afraid of falling again, you popping my heart. I'd have to search for another parachute. I would never ever forget what saved me the first time I fell. I could never replace the parachute I have, he has the most beautiful pattern. He glides like a dream. He makes me feel like I'm on the moon. My parachute makes me feel like no other.

You are my parachute. You are my life.

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