Chapter one

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~a fun trip~

Oinaze Rosella, a beautiful yet confusing name to say

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Oinaze Rosella, a beautiful yet confusing name to say. Which is why she mainly was called Rose. She had been in many movies, been in many plays, been a voice actress in many shows. Which is how she actually got a job offer to go to America to play in a movie that needed a main French lead, she was obviously the most qualified for the position.

She was made for the screens and the stage, made to be seen and loved by all. Love often comes with hate but...who cares? Not her, she didn't care what other's said. She knew she was the best.

It came to her on a Monday, the sun warm and shining through her large windows that lined one wall of her bedroom. She lived in Paris, the main area for tourists but also a beautiful place. The city of love, some would call it. Though, she was sure that was just to get people to visit the place.

She wore a white silk robe, the soft fabric falling off her shoulders as she sauntered around her apartment. Baby pinks and shades of white covered every corner, in moderation of course. She didn't want it to look like Barbie lived there.

Her tan skin and dusty blue eyes propionate when the sunlight bounced off them, her long rose red hair in a mess and tangled. Even the most beautiful don't wake up perfect. She was tall, slender with a diamond face. Overall she looked appealing to the eye, though not so much to the male gaze.

She had no big chest, no big ass, no big lips or seductive eyes. She was relatively flat, not completely but not much was there. Her lips were thin, not plump like some. Her ass was round, sure, and much like her chest; there was something there...just not a lot.

Rose walked to her kitchen, not hungry that much but still wanting to eat something. She just got a bowl of strawberries and blueberries, eating them slowly as she read an old magazine she had; Femme Actuelle.

She soon realized she had some mail that had been slipped through her mail slot, just a few pieces. She walked over to them and looked over them; bills, regular fan mail, a letter from America.



Rose quickly tore open the letter and read it's contents;

"To Oinaze Rosella,

We would like to inform you that you have be offered to work with Hollywood for a new movie, 'Lost in Paris'.

You will have the main role as the protagonist, Martha Jacklyn. More information will be provided on the story line, characters, and the script once and if you accept the invention.

We will be waiting for your response on the matter. If you can not fill the role then we understand.

If you can, you can call us at;

(407) 939-5277

Thank you for your consideration."

Of course Rose had to say yes, how could she not?! This could be her big break! Expanding her horizons in her acting career!

She tossed the other mail onto her coffee table and plopped down on the couch, picking up the land line next to her. She couldn't be bothered to get her phone that she had left in her room to charge.

Rose called the number, adrenaline rushing through her body as she was nervous and excited at the same time. The phone rang twice before she got an answer, a woman picking up the phone.

"Hello, Hollywood studios! This is Martha speaking, how can I help you?" She asked, sounding like she was fallowing a script. She probably was. 

"Uh, yes. This is Oinaze Rosella, I was sent a letter about the, uh, the position of main lead in 'lost in Paris'." She said, her accent clear and her English slightly rusty. She had to pause a few times to remember what something was called. 

Martha didn't say anything for a bit, the sound of nails hitting plastic keys of a keyboard. The silence was a bit awkward but it was soon broken, "yes, you're right here. I'll transfer you to Mr. Zaslav."

Rose didn't have time to thank the woman before the phone went dead, it was uncommon for people to end a phone call without giving thank's or a proper goodbye. Rose assumed it was just an American thing. 

"Hello, this is Mr. Zaslav. I'm aware that you are calling for the position of the main lead in 'Lost In Paris' and I would like to thank you for getting to us about it. I just want to make sure you're sure that you want the position." He said, formal and professional. His tone held authority and asked for common respect. 

"Ah. Yes I would like the position, I'm sure of my choice on the matter." She said confidently and politely, she didn't want to piss off her new boss so soon. 

"Amazing," he responded, the smile clear in his voice, "well we'll pay for all flight expenses along with a Hotel, we'll send you the details along with the Hotel name and your flight number after this call. We expected you to be here tomorrow morning, have a great day and thank you for choosing to work with us."

That was a lot of information to take in but Rose got it all, a smile also on her face like she assumed was on Mr. Zaslav's, "thank you, my number is +33 (140) 685-9653"

The phone call ended not long after, Mr. Zaslav once again explaining that they were going to send her the information and that they expected her in the morning. Rose was ecstatic, she would have danced around her apartment if not for the fact she had to pack. 

Packing wasn't easy. She didn't know what was and wasn't appropriate, she didn't know the climate in the area, nor what was weather was going to be like. In response to all her unanswered questions she just grabbed all her clothes for any possible occasion and put them in all separate bags so she'd know which is which. 

Shoes were placed back in their boxes they had been bought in. She knew the old boxes would come in handy. 

She obviously wasn't going to sale her beautiful apartment, she called her older brother. Well, he wasn't really her brother but it certainly felt that way. "petite merde, I need a tiny favor."

A groan came from the other side of her phone, an Italian man named Remy Lovett, "oh Dio, what now?" The man asked, his voice cracking as he clearly hadn't talked all day. 

"I need you to come to my house and house sit, I have a job and I'm be damned if I sale this place." She said, being completely serious. 

A long sigh came from the phone, "fine. fine, I'll house sit for ya." Remy said begrudgingly. 

Rose smiled with triumphant as she wished her older brother goodbye and hung up. She was practically jumping with excitement as she rushed to get all her suitcases to the elevator, putting them inside and then cramming herself in. She had to tell the front desk that her brother was coming to house sit for her and that he was allowed to have a key. 

Once done with all the tedious tasks, she got into her car and drove to the airport. Her bags in the back moving at each turn but she knew nothing fragile was in them...she thinks at least.

She made it to the airport, her bags passing the checking process and were put to begin loaded on the plane. She unfortunately couldn't get first class like she wanted but she was in a window seat and at least wasn't in business class. 

The plane took off and she gazed out the window at the land that was only getting smaller and fading, her home. She would miss it but she knew it wasn't forever, so that gave her some comfort. Her phone buzzed and she looked at it, her frown deepened and she ignored the message. She didn't have the time for nonsense. 

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