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"What do you mean you have to go?!" she yelled, confusion and worry apparent in her voice.

They were at the top of the lighthouse, the sun setting as they stood on the balcony. Splash was tearing up at what her best friend had just told her and it confused her to no end. *Why did he have to go?* *What was taking him? **What is going on?!*

However [Error] kept his composure as he gave a grateful yet sad smile to his best friend, "I'm sorry, but he would do something horrible to us if I didn't go with him."

"Who are you talking about?" The duo turned to the two figures who just got there, a giant blue secton named Eternal and a black white and gray Stingferno named Flame.

Eternal growled, "who is taking you?" His question sounding more like a command.

"Oh hey uncle Eternal and Uncle Flame.." [Error] greeted sadly, "can you do me a favor and tell mom and dad about this?"

"Not until you tell us about this guy." Eternal responded, slowly getting angry, "we can deal with him so you can stay."

"Trust me, you can't. No one in our family can." [Error] sighed, turning back to the bunny, "before I go though, I have a few words."

Splash's emotions were all over the place, she didn't know what was going on anymore and she just wanted to curl into a ball and disappear.

But [Error] took her paws in his and looked into her eyes, "I'll never regret meeting you, thank you for everything."

"Don't go.." she pleaded, but he shook his head.

"If I could stay, I would." [Error] said, tears starting to come to his eyes too, "but this isn't something we can control."


"I'm sorry."

He waved as he began to fade away.



She gasped for air as she opened her eyes, she quickly looked around and saw that she was still in the test tube, the robot with horns was staring at a screen of some sort whilst Diagram stared at her with worry. Many tubes connected to her head and they felt cold and metallic. She got more and more nervous as time went on and got even more scared. Diagram saw the expression on her face and yelled at the robot before prying the chamber door open.

"Are you okay?!" Diagram yelled only for Splash to hug her and begin crying.

Auto audibly groaned, "Why did you open it!? I was getting such good data from that.."

"Shut it Auto!" Diagram yelled at the devil robot as she ripped the tubes that were connected to the cyan rabbit, "she looked really scared and I let her out because of that and now look at her! She's a wreck!"

"Well, would you like the information," his jack o'lantern smile stayed despite his angry and serious tone, "or should I "Shut it"?"

Diagram stared at him for a few seconds before sighing and nodding.

"Well, I found out that the section where she was gone for 2 months is completely gone and the earliest memory she has is her seeing Suni disappear."

"The 2 months is unrecoverable?"

"Sadly, yes. However something else is very worrying when I look at this"

"What is it?" Diagram raised an eyebrow, petting Splash's back as the bunny continued to sob.

"Her memories have been tampered with." Auto revealed, "she doesn't have anything about Suni in her memory."

"But I thought her most recent memory was-"

"Yes, but Suni was removed from that memory, so she just remembers being sad there but not why."

"But... who would want to take Suni out of her memories" Diagram wondered, upset by the news.

"I think I know who." Auto revealed, getting the cat and bunnies attention.

"I think the person who took Suni from us that day is the same one who took her memories."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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