My Omega (KhaotungFirst)

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Ayan was an alpha lawyer who didn't like omegas cause according to him, omegas were too weak and shy. When they had problems, instead of solving it, they ran away.

As a lawyer, he'd never seen an omega who fought back for justice. He had cases where the suspect was an omega and even if the suspect wasn't the one involved with the case, they never fought back. Later then, because of them, Ayan always ended up being the one getting sued for ordering to arrest innocent people or even victims.

From Ayan's perspective, how could he provide them with justice when the suspect was not even speaking a word? Even if the omegas actually ended up being the criminal, they just begged to him for forgiveness.

Since those times, Ayan had always despised omegas until someone came into his life and changed his perspective. It was the day, when he, for the first time, met an omega, bold, careless and free.

That day, he went to a bar to chill and put out his stress after dealing with the case of that annoying omega. While in the bar drinking and dancing to the wonderful beat of the song, he noticed a guy getting bullied for being an omega. Even though Aye despised omegas, he was still against bullying.

But just when he was about to walk in and defend the omega, he saw another tall person stepping up. His hair perfectly styled, his body and style fully confident, the paint strokes on his hand screamed that he was an artist. His hand moved to the bullies hand, grabbing and pushing him back. He stood right in front of the bully.

"What are you doing? Stay away!" The bully shouted and strangled the tall guy's hand. But he walked up and boldly slapped him before the bully could do anything.

"You think you can just bully us like that because we're usually physically weak?" The tall guy said and smiled, pushing the bully victim away to the side.

"Oh, look! An omega is trying to protect another omega." The bully pointed at him and laughed. Aye could see the tall guy's blood boiling with the teasing of the bullies. But he knew he wasn't physically strong enough to fight the bully so he backed up a bit.

But Ayan knew it was true. Omegas were born physically weaker than alphas but it's not their fault. Ayan really liked the confidence of the taller guy and finally decided to walk in to the situation.

He smacked onto both of the bullies heads. He gave them a judgy look, staring all over their body. 'Judging from their appearance and behaviour, they both definitely were single. If they had already found their omegas, they wouldn't be acting this way with other omegas.' He thought to himself and immediately knocked out one of them with a single punch.

The tall guy's eyes went on Ayan, knocking the bully out. While the other bully ran away, after getting scared by Ayan's appearance already.

Once the bully was on the ground, begging to let him go, Aye let him go and he ran away immediately. Everyone in the bar clapped loudly, as they were also seeing them bully the guy but couldn't gain the confidence to talk against them. Plus, most of the people in the bar were omegas.

Ayan looked to his side and noticed the tall guy staring at him, he stared back and they made eye contact. A smell of lavender went through both Ayan's and the tall guy's nose. They immediately felt the connection and Aye knew he had find his omega by the smell.

After breaking the eye contact from a distance, Aye walked up to the tall guy and introduced himself, "I'm Ayan, an alpha. You can call me Aye. You were really cool, being an omega yourself and trying to fight back to the alphas. I've never seen an omega doing that." Aye said and brought his hand out for a handshake.

The guy brought his hand out as well, going for the handshake, feeling his hand, Ayan's eyes again went to the paint strokes on the guy's hand. "I'm Akk, an omega. Nice to meet you." He replied.

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