You were born to be REAL not to be PERFECT ~Suga

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You will never quite be able to meet all expectations. It will never be quite right for anyone and something will never be quite perfect. It doesn't matter how long you work on it and how many times you've tried it. Because in the end they only look at the final product. Not at the production. They don't want to look. Don't want to see that it's actually totally enough. And that we broke down in the attempt to meet all expectations. That we are constantly trying to be perfect. Just as they expect from us. Just as almost everyone expects. If you only express your own opinion once or show your true feelings, it is seen as an attack. We just want to hurt and criticize them. We don't appreciate what they do for us. We don't help them either. We always do our own thing and leave them out. Only they have all never looked properly and understood that we just don't say anything and always participate well, because we don't want to have any further disputes. That we can't stand any further disputes. Because in the end it's always your own fault. You didn't try enough, you didn't want enough. ~


I know that you don't believe that you are enough. But I know that you are enough. You are perfect the way you are.

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