In the end they'll judge me anyway so, whatever ~Suga

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It will never be enough. The villain will always remain the villain. No matter how much good he or she does. No matter how much he or she helps. A small mistake, a wrong word and you're bad again. Different. You don't fit in anymore. We will never fit in with it. We will always be different. We will always remain the villains or anti-heroes. Because only our esting reminds them all of our mistakes.
However, they do not consider that they need us. They need us to shine. They need us to have someone who is to blame. Someone through whom they can be the hero or heroine they have always wanted to be. There must always be someone in the shadows. Who bears the blame.

But I've always liked the villains the most. They are different. They stand up for what they are. They don't retend. Even if it means that the whole world doesn't like them. They don't care. They just do their own thing and do the things they love. Just because they can. Because they want to show the world: "I don't care what you think of me. Accept me as I am or hate me. I don't care." Because all they need is themselves, the people they love and who love them back. And that's the thing why I've liked the villains more. They were always stronger than the heroes. They were smarter. They knew when they had to hold back and when they could attack.
It is fascinating how quickly others can condemn you. How quickly you don't belong anymore. But it doesn't matter. The villains don't care about their opinion.

But sometimes this attitude makes you lonely. Most of the time being alone with our opinion and mindset. Not to be supported by others and to always deal with the problems alone. It's not easy to always pretend you don't care about anything. It's not easy to always be the culprit. To be the one who makes the mistakes. All we ever wanted was to be part of it. To be respected and loved. We wanted to make others proud. We wanted to make ourselves proud by making others proud. However, sometimes this is simply not possible. But still, we don't give up. We are not collapsing under all the pressure. And if we do, no one gets to see it. We'll just keep going. As if it was nothing.

In the end it doesn't matter who you are. Hero, Villain or anti-hero. In the end, however, we just want to be ourselves. We want to be loved and respected for who we are. For the way we act, think and feel. With all the good thoughts and the bad thoughts. With the mistakes and the fears. The good and the bad. Whether villain, anti-hero or hero. Just ourselves.


I always understood the villains. The reason, why they behaved the way they did. Why they did the things they did. Because all they wanted was to be understood.
Personally, I see myself as an anti-hero. But sometimes I feel like being the villain. In other times I want to be the hero. It doesn't matter what I see myself as. As what you see yourself. The only thing that matters is that we are ourselves and don't facese. That we love ourselves for the person we were, we are and will become.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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