- venomous.

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Thank you so much for reading until here! You have completed this story and I hope you enjoyed the journey <3 I remember how I originally wrote this as a comeback fic after a long writing break on Twitter and ironically, it seemed to be the same w...

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Thank you so much for reading until here! You have completed this story and I hope you enjoyed the journey <3 I remember how I originally wrote this as a comeback fic after a long writing break on Twitter and ironically, it seemed to be the same way here. I have mixed feelings with this story and it wasn't my proudest work but I did love reading everyone's comments. It made me happy :D

I'm not gonna promise special chapters because I suck at promises but let me know what short snippets you want to see for Kairo and Astrid if ever! I'd see what I can do ><

No sequels, LOL.

It was both our efforts to arrive here. Thank you, always!

Until next time. Luvlots everyone~

Mishi OUT ( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑

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