Rosemary: I remember you well

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"Kudo kun?”

Conan didn't replied her instead gazed at her with a desperate eye which was piercing her soul. His grip slowly got tightened up for which Haibara did a yelp...

" Its hurting kudo kun!”

Those words actually returned Conan his senses as he regretted what he was doing.

"I-I am really sor-

"Its okay.....leave me now....I've to go..” as Haibara cut him off he blocked her way in order not to leave.

"You can't was hard to find you...”
He said.

" Don't act like a child kudo kun.. I gotta go...nee chan will be waiting for me..”
She said.

"What about us...what about hakase,....what about detective boys....what about me?..have you ever thought of us?”
He yelled lightly.

"Kudo kun....”

She couldn't speak...she wanted to tell that.. what about me kudo kun....have you ever thought of my feelings... it'll hurt me to hell to go back and see you with Mouri san together.... I can't bear that....
But something inside her chocked her...

She yanked her hands freeing herself from him and ran away. As she ran away she stumbled upon someone and was about to fall but she gradually got control of herself and saved herself from falling.

She said out .

"Look lady I'm not in a mood of fighting...” the person said in a drunk voice as he continued to drink....

"Kaitou Oni san?????” she cried out.

"Oh lady... don't call me Oni san....we both know that we're of same drop the formalities....” he added.

"Why did you drank so much?” Haibara asked as she pulled him up and took him outside in a garden making him sit there away from the crowd.

"She...she toyed me Ai chan...” he cried.

"Huh? Who?”
She asked in disbelief.

"Aoko...she toyed my feelings...she doesn't love me...she loves Hakuba Saguru...” he said as Haibara felt a pang in her heart.

As she sat next to him comforting him Ran and Conan joined them..

"Hey...Ai Chan..” she said

"Oh Mouri san...”

"Why did you left us?”

"Mouri san this is not the correct time to discuss this....” she said as she looked at Kaitou worriedly.

"I hate her....!!”
He suddenly said as he jerked up and sat.

"Huh...okay calm down a bit...” Haibara said as she hugged him. He returned the hug and was crying like a baby.

He opened his eyes and blurted out something seeing Ran.

" Ai Chan what's she doing here....tell that girl to go.... I hate her....tell Aoko to leave... I don't want her fake sympathy...” he said.

"She's not idiot.... she's Mouri san...Ran forgot?” she told.

"Oh ... I'm sorry..”
"Oi... Ai wanna hear something?”
He added.

"Sure but you need to be idiot thief...” she said as she started pulling him...but he sat and started blabbering.

"The phoenix headdress falls of the dwindling hair,
The cocoon of love never turned into a butterfly.
How can you never return homeward bound,
Aren't you also waiting like forever?”

He said as Haibara felt her world stopped.
It was correctly describing her and Conan's relationship. She had always knitted the cocoon of love for him which was unconditional but it certainly turned into an unrequited one. She has always thought that maybe he will understand but no... And here Kaitou was picking up her feelings which were meant to be faced away.

"Enough of it... come with me...or else I'll stitch that lips of yours so that you can't say anything...” she got annoyed a bit.

"Ai chan I guess.... he's not into him...let's go... I and Conan will help...”
As Ran said Conan's face lit up as he thought it was his chance to find where Haibara was staying.

" No thanks Mouri san... I can handle this idiot!!!” she said .

" She's stubborn Ran nee chan...she won't take your kindness...” he said as he wanted to tease her a bit..

"Yes .. that's right...that's not what I want from everyone... anyways excuse us...”
She said as she took a step to go.

"Ai chan...!!”
A voice came.

"Aoko nee chan?”

"What happened to him?”

"He's sad .... I'll tell you later...can we go back?”

"Yeah sure..”

As Aoko took Kaitou back Haibara went to Ran.

"Thanks for accompanying us.”

She was about to leave as,
"Ai Chan we all know you and Conan like each other....if something happened between you two don't let others hurt... please come back to us...” Ran said.

Both Haibara and Conan blushed like hell as Ran said that.

"R-Ran nee chan!!!!”

"Mouri san....” Haibara sighed.
"This annoying dense detective will be the last person I would like.... there's not even a slight chance of me to like this guy....”
She added

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