Victoria G Interviews Émilie Richard-Froozan

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Victoria G: What inspired you to become a creative director?

Émilie Richard-Froozan: I actually direct and produce narrative films and music videos primarily but creative directing has come naturally from that.

VG: Have you always been a creative person?

ÉRF: I think so. I've always loved day dreaming and then trying to bring those into fruition.

VG: Where do you typically draw inspiration from?

ÉRF: Interpersonal relationships and dreams.

VG: Who are some creative directors that inspire you?

ÉRF: I actually don't know of many, but directors that inspire me are David Lynch, Abbas Kiarostami and Krzysztof Kieślowski.

VG: You are best known for being Suki Waterhouse's creative director. How did you first get involved in her projects?

ÉRF: We made our first music video together back in 2016 and have made 7 videos since. We just really enjoy collaborating together and she brought me on in a greater capacity to encompass different areas of the album as well.

VG: What is your favorite project you have ever done?

ÉRF: My feature film, Buttercup Bill.

VG: What are some qualities you look for in a project?

ÉRF: Painstaking honest, vulnerability and heart.

VG: What is your creative process?

ÉRF: I like to create a playlist with songs that represent the story and characters and the emotions that permeate the piece and then write from there. I collect images and videos from films that inspire the specific project and collage them together to see the bigger picture and its themes.

VG: How would you describe yourself in three words?

ÉRF: Open, nonjudgmental, curious.

VG: What are your social media handles?

ÉRF: @frooozan

VG: Where do you see yourself in ten years?

ÉRF: Hopefully still learning how to exist on this planet with what I've got.

VG: What are three qualities every creative director should have?

ÉRF: Being a good listener is key and knowing how to communicate with people. You collaborate with a lot of people, creative & business side, and you need to know how to communicate in a productive and motivational manner. They should also not be afraid to push outside the norms creatively.

VG: Do you have any advice for an aspiring creative director?

ÉRF: Gravitate towards inspiration that YOU find grabbing, rather than what you think will sell. People can smell when you're trying too hard and authenticity always speaks to people in volumes.

VG: What's next for you?

ÉRF: I'm just going to keep creating fun work with my friends and shoot my next feature in the space between.

VG: RAPID FIRE QUESTIONS Chocolate or Vanilla

ÉRF: Chocolate all the way.

VG: Sweet or Sour

ÉRF: Sour!

VG: iPhone or Android

ÉRF: iPhone bc it's easy?

VG: Mac or PC

ÉRF: Mac for the same reason.

VG: Read the book or Watch the movie

ÉRF: Both if you can I'd say!

VG: Cats or Dogs

ÉRF: This is tough as I used to be only dogs but now I've got both and it's all beautiful.

VG: Early bird or Night owl

ÉRF: Night owl for sure. My body clock doesn't function until noon for sure.

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