CT - Free time

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"Ahhh!! Seems like miss circle died, how sad of it!!" The speaker said, excitingly that made my body feel uncomfortable for just no reason.

"Miss circle was a Muffin man! Or girl.. one innocent down, more to go!!" The speaker laughed at us, it made us angry how they laughed at the death of a fellow student.


' Some limbs spread like blood. '


We all went back in the outside by the pair of the arms, that seemed like a reallly weird long thingy, anyways im kinda bored as fuck.. so might as well go explore!

"This is boring." I said, crossing my arms in tiredness. And just sat down on a bench, looking at my ipad once more, fudge it. There was a new message, so i clicked it. Who wouldnt? Trashy people.

'Hello Y/N, we gave you a dorm in the hotel. The first murder that took place at the hotel lobby please do not go into the bathrooms, boys or girls or so, your leader is making sure the janitors there clean up.
-Your leader.' The message said, wow! I finally got me a room to sleep in. How awesome.

Hpmh, i forgot where the hotel was.. but im sure if i follow someone then i'll be there! Yeah yeah, better. So i just followed this guy named carl the npc guy or smth. When i was done, yay i made it.

Anyways, when i got there. Someone reallyy needed to pee in the bathrooms, but since the bathrooms in there room is too far, they had to use the out of service ones. But i heard a bang bang! And when i checked it out their head was bleeding. Eww!

I went to my room, on floor 3, room 6. When i got there, it was so cool! It was like.. bigger than my old room i had, anyways i should be changing because this thing is making me turn into a tight coconut. So i grabbed some new clothes and changed! Once i was done, i sat down on my bed and just went to sleep..

ZzzzZzz.. ZzzzZzzZzz...


Im sorry for not updating. Im trying my best to keep my mental health in good condition, and it is not going well, but for you guys, im gonna keep this up. I hope you dont mind the changes right now..

-Your tired author.

Words: 402.

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