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Authors pov

Light flowed into the room from the balcony.

Seven bodies were sleeping peacefully on a king sized bed.

Jimin woke up with a jolt,he looked at his surrounding's and tried to remember how he got here and what happened.

Then he felt a tatooed arm wrapped loosely around his waist.It was jungkook's arm.

Then the memories came to him like a truck.

He covered his mouth with his shaky hand.He shook his head in denial and looked under the sheets and it proved to be true.

They raped him.

Jimin burst into tears.

He harshly removed jungkook's arm from his waist.

He sat up and yelped loudly,he didn't care if he woke them up.He was just in so much pain.

He was going to get up from the bed when he got pushed back to the bed by an arm.

"Where are you going?" Jimin looked to his side and was met with grey coloured eyes.It was yoongi.

Jimin looked at him in contempt.

"Leave me." He gritted his teeth and tried to remove yoongi's arm from his waist but failed.

"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!!!." Jimin shouted at yoongi who removed his arm from jimin's waist who got up when he had the chance.He woke the other five up.

Jimin looked for something to cover himself.He took the sheet lying on bed and took it to cover himself while crying.

Then he saw the blood on the bed.

He stood with shake legs.

"How I'm I going to explain this to Asher?" Jimin sobbed loudly.

He was in his own thoughts that he didn't notice the figure that went behind him and hugged him.

Jimin whimpered and pushed the figure away and looked at it.It was Namjoon.

"You!" Jimin pointed his finger at Namjoon.

"All of you will pay for what you did to me." Jimin said with determination in his voice.

"And how will you do that,huh Jimin?" Jungkook said.

"You're ours now." Jungkook continued.

Jimin went towards Jungkook and slapped him right across the face.

Jungkook looked at Jimin with fire in his eyes and raised his hand to slap him back.

"I dare you." Jimin looked at Jungkook in the eyes.

"You might have had your way with me and I might not have been able to protect myself from you selfish fools,but I won't let you guys walk all over me just because I look weak."

"I hate all of you,you might marry me after this but you will never own me,I will make your life a living hell,you will regret ever thinking with your dick and defiling me like this."

"Non of you should ever in your life come to me and ask for forgiveness because I will never forgive any of you for this predicamet you put me through."

"I hope you all rut in hell,this guilt will follow you everywhere and eat you alive." Jimin said with so much pain and hate in his eyes.

After all the things Jimin said,Jimin left with a limp in every step he took.

"He is so feisty,I like it." Jin licked his lips, taehyung looked at him in disgust.

"He will come around soon." Hoseok assured everyone and himself even though it didn't seem like it.


Jimin rushed to his room and shut it,the door making a loud banging sound.

He went to his bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror and just screamed.He punched the mirror making it break to pieces and making him bleed from his knuckles.

"Why!?" Jimin closed his eyes tightly and bit his bottom lip.

He fell on the floor and wept.


Forced to be a queen(Jiminxbts)Where stories live. Discover now