A day in the life of Tord (this was a school assignment)

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It was cold outside, wind whipping around and snowflakes melting on the ground. Tord was walking slowly down the street, his hair messy and his face haggard, considering half of it was burnt off. He looked devastated all the time, so much so his parental figures, Paul and Patryck, (his friends/allies) thought he had depression. They weren’t wrong, but he’d never admit that even if you tasered that information out of him. He walked into the military
base he ran, as he was the general leader of his army he called “The Red Army”. The whole army had this condescending attitude to it, as if they thought they were better than everyone else. Upon opening the door, he was greeted by his secretary/secondary general, Tom, who he considered his right hand man despite them hating each other in the past. Tom made no hesitation in taking his boss's rain coat and putting it on the drying hangers
next to the base's door. He greeted his boss in this robotic sounding, droning voice. Most of Tom’s organs, be it his lungs or his vocal cords, had been replaced with mechanical parts due to there being… “complications” with his compliance into joining The Red Army. Tord turned on the TV the army had, where there were some random politicians arguing about their
suffrage. Tord liked watching people argue. The Red Army base was similar to a house, actually, with a living room and kitchen, a bunker where the soldiers sleep, etc. Their reign of terror over the city had become pervasive throughout news channels, but still no one knew who they were. They were called The Tyrants by news stations, which annoyed Tord, seeing as he never
thought of himself as a tyrant. His instinct was to strangle the news reporters that referred to him as that, but he knew it wasn’t worth getting sidetracked for. He only had one goal in mind, and he was sticking to it. The news called the new status quo a “terrorist attack”, which was also obnoxious. The base they stayed in had a vintage home look on the outside
so no one would suspect it wasn’t just a normal house, and really a MILITARY BASE. Since the base was so large, noises usually reverberate throughout the entire building, which makes it extremely hard to keep secrets. Tom tried telling a secret to Tord and everyone else eventually heard
about it. Tords day was boring and had little to no action in it after that, he just ate some dinner, filed papers and assigned jobs to his favorite workers. Then he went downstairs, changed out of his work clothes, and fell asleep on the floor. His parental figures (Paul and Patryck, they’re gay) found him on the floor before they were going to bed, so they put him in bed. Then they both laid down together and went to sleep.
Thats it. His life is boring… on a normal day at least.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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