Chapter 1

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Sonic POV:

I entered the dark clammy room, the air around me felt scruffy. Worst. Secret. Base. Ever. I scanned the room to find my friends (or at the moment my 'partners') sitting in not-so comfortable couches that tails bought. Honestly I don't know why Tails likes to buy the most itchiest, uncomfortable, and un-stylish furniture for our base. Nevertheless I sat down, trying to squirm as much. I was wearing my agent gear (don't worry, at least my gear is stylish and non-itchy) just like the rest of my friends. It seems like tails, knuckles, or amy called the meeting but at this point I could care less, I just want it to be over cause just like all the other meetings, this one is just as boring.

"Sonic, you're late" Amy glared at me.

"Impossible, i'm never late" I said flashing my infamous grin that will make knuckles angry enough to punch the wall.

Amy released one dramatic sigh (that was extremely exaggerated) "Sonic you shouldn't keep your girlfriend waiting" Amy whined though of course she wasn't my girlfriend. I bit back a sigh just as dramatic as her's and scooched farther away from her but of course she grabbed my arm making me sit next to her, just my luck. "Why did you come late?" asked Amy.

"I just simply wasn't aware of the time!" I defended myself but Amy just frowned at me. At Least i'm fashionable, why was everyone so mad? "I swear sonic it's like you want me to punch you" Knuckles joined in the conversation.

"Knuckles, you ALWAYS want to punch me no matter what I do"


"Knuckles!" Amy scolded.

Knuckles rolled his eyes and tails tapped his shoulder "Tell sonic the plan since he came here late."

"Honestly no one told me I had a meeting today so I had all the right to be late" I countered but Knuckles told me to shut up and if I had to be honest I was tired of arguing. I tapped my foot impatiently as tails scrambled up to grab his backpack and slowly reached through it. It felt like forever, just to grab something out of a stupid backpack? "Okay, so a few days ago Gadget and Rookie were spying on eggman's base and we found out that eggman once again was planning something devious-"

I yawned, but I couldn't help it. I already knew eggman was an 'evil' egghead, so what was the point of this meeting? Amy glared at me and I looked down trying to look anywhere but at Amy's furious face. "Sonic, would you just be serious for once in your life!?" Amy asked but it sounded more like a demand. Now I have a greater urge to scoot 6 feet away from Amy.

"Yea, yea...Anyways what was that about egghead's delirious plans?" I asked.

"I said devious," Tails corrected.

"Same thing"

"Actually The definition of Devious and Delirious are two extremely different things-"

"COULD WE PLEASE JUST CONTINUE!" Knuckles demanded but it sounded like a extremely painful gurgle ( a very loud one).

Everyone became quiet again as Tails continued. "We don't know exactly what his plan is but we know that he is sending a pack of wolves to complete a negotiation with these group of assassins deadly one for that matter, the assassins goal is too-"

"To murder me so that eggman has no one is his way and he needs someone else to do it because he has a skill issue bla bla bla what's the mission?" I interrupted.

Knuckles smirked when I bringed up the mission, "Actually this time instead of me creating the mission I let knuckles do it since I was busy with another invention to create," Tails explained.

Great...Knuckles probably made the mission all about him. I bet he made me the getaway driver instead of one of the main agents just so he can destroy my ego (not that i'm that egoistical). "WAIT, Why did you let knuckles create the mission!" I argued but Amy shushed me again. Knuckles smirked at my distress and opened his mouth to speak. I was terrified of what was gonna come out of his mouth, Knuckles definitely wants to crush my ego some way or another. Usually in every mission I was a big part but that was mainly because Tails came up with all the ideas.

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