Chapter 1

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I have began to understand. Nothing in this world is really worth it. It's not new that I feel like nothing.

All I ever needed was money. As they always say in the billboards. Money is happiness. I never understood if they meant that metaphorically because I never had money. I was always held back by people. My own people. My father. I been working since the age of 16 to help pay of the debts my father stacked up. It's not helping now that my mum's on her deathbed.

I never had a day to myself. I at times wish I could go. If I could disappear. If I could run away from the burdens. Truly, money is happiness.

"Mia!" I got knocked out of the trance I was in. I noticed, I was sat at my desk. Doing nothing. Well, not really nothing. I was dreaming. Like I always do.

"Yes?" I ask blankly. I turn to see Gemma. Her arms crossed. Gemma was the CEO's daughter. She directed this whole building. She had everything. I was always jealous. Everyday, she would walk in with her LV bags and Gucci purses. Not that I fancied those elegant things. It just reminded me. I have nothing. Nothing to proudly show off.

"I have been calling your name from across the room! You dare ignore me?" She announced. I was a little shocked.
"Sorry, miss." I whispered. As I slowly lowered my head. She sighed a very deep breath.

"Come with me." She shouted. Was I going to get another lecture. This work is hell. It's like I'm in a prison cell. Forced to do the work. Nothing was ever happy around here. The mood in the room was damp. All I saw were sheep. Sheep, sheep, sheep. Not that I wasn't. Rather the thing is. I knew what I was. Most people in this room didn't know what they were. They were just there.

I slowly stood up. Dreading life as I followed Gemma.
"In!" She ordered pointing at her office. I obeyed as I was told. She went to her desk and sat. The silence piercing my body. I sat on the chair across from her.
"Is there anything you need from me, miss?" I asked politely. I talked slow. It annoyed her but it helped me collect my thoughts. This didn't sound like another lecture. I was aware.

"How long have you worked here?" She began clasping her hands and laying her back on the chair. I thought. It was quick but still I thought.
"2 years." I answered confidently. She nodded.
"2 years, right?" She repeated. This time I nodded.
"2 years and you don't know the policy of this company?" She asked slowly shifting her back straight leaning against the desk.
"I do, miss." I stumbled in my speech.
"You sure? I don't remember our policy being staring at our screen for almost 3 quarters of the day." She screamed. Her eyebrows furrowed. I felt my lips pursing and maybe a sweat go down my forehead.
"Please forgive me. There has been a lot going on at home and well.." I stopped. I didn't really know what to say. Gemma just stared at me in utter boredom.

"Mia, Mia, Mia.." She repeated my name and stood up.
"When did I ask?" She laughed coldly. "Our policy. Remember? Home and work life should be separated. I could care less if your younger brother got hurt or your mother is on her deathbed. I hired you to do work and you must do it!" She screamed. That was completely heartless. One of her statements was true but to me. It broke me.

"What..?" I slowly said.
"Did I say it wrong or did you not hear properly. I don't give a fuck." She laughed so blatantly. It honestly fucking pissed me off.
"Now. Did you finish the assignment that is due tomorrow?" She asked while fanning her nails in my face.

"Not yet. Miss." I grunted.
"Get it done and bring it to my desk." She commanded. All I could do is nod and leave.
"And, bring it to me in an hour." She declared. Eyes focused on her computer.
"In an hour? Miss, this is a big project. I can't possibly finish it in an hour!" I proclaimed. Waving my arms.
She just directed her eyes away from the computer to my face.
"I. Don't. Care." She spelled out. Stopping at every syllable.
"If you don't bring it to me in an hour. In good standard. Consider yourself fired." She snickered. Laughing and snorting at herself.

All I could do at that moment was leave. I think it's time to truly consider myself fired.

An hour later and I wasn't even finished halfway. I began stressing. Not that I was losing my job. My only source of income. Rather, the fact I can't support my family any more. I can't send my younger brother to university and help my mother with her hospital bills. Don't even get me started with my father. I had a moment where everything stopped. My heart felt heavy and dropped. My eyes widened and my breath became short and sharp. Then I came back to reality. Just to see Gemma standing in front of me.

"You done?" She laughed amusingly. I slowly shook my head. That really got to her. She was smiling so openly and wide.
"You are fired!" She clapped her hands and skipped off. The whole floor heard and whispered. Some feeling sorrow for me and others just blank bystanders.

By the next hour, I was out the office block. The rain of an October afternoon. It was damp. The skies shifting at different shades of grey. I didn't have an umbrella. Not even a wearable jacket. My brown hair was even brown from the water. I walked home in absolute silence. I reached my area. Not the best. It's something. For the least.

I walked up the wooden steps, a lot of splints and cracks. I knocked on the door and to my surprise, my younger brother answered.
"Surprise!" He jumped up and down hugging me in the process. I chuckled a bit. It warmed my heart seeing my brother. He guided me inside. My house wasn't the best. I didn't hate it though. It was nice to have a roof over my head.

"Mia!" My dad got up the coach to come and hug me.
"How was work?" He asked sitting me down on the coach. I completely forgot.
"It was..ok.." I muttered. He nodded so pleased.

The night went a blur. My father on the phone to my mum. My brother once again locked up in his room and I cried. How would I explain this to my parents. My room felt stuffy and my eyes felt puffy. I took my coat and went on a walk to my local corner shop.

I walked in and greeted the shopkeeper. I picked up a coffee can and walked to the till whilst reading the back. The night was so quiet. Almost the only peace I get. I walked and closed my eyes. Sniffed the air whilst walking. The thing is. I didn't know where I was walking.

The last thing I heard was. Sirens. The voices of people then darkness.

Author Note:

Hello guys! Hope you liked this first chapter. Sorry for posting a little late but I promise to be more consistent with my timing in the next chapters. I left this at a cliffhanger and it would be great to hear what you think is going to happen in the comments.🫶🫶


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