The Karaoke Night With My Aunt

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DATED: 26/04/2024

TIME: 22:18

So, My aunt came with me and my mom to our house to have a break from all the bickering of her husband whom she doesn't like!

She is the one earning and he is the free-loader. She is your typical working mom trying to make ends meet.

She is my mother's 5th Younger sister among 5 siblings.

on the 26th of April 2024, we decided to have a karaoke night at home. It was a simple activity to have some enjoyment with just simple pieces of equipment like a speaker with a mic and a laptop

We sang and after it was over my sister, Tony, and I decided to listen to some music.

I am a die-hard BL fan and love the music Mad Tsai makes, Especially, Stacy's Brother.

I wanted to listen to that song but my sister suddenly started acting weirdly. I asked her whether she wanted me to change the music, but she wouldn't say a thing and pushed me away. 

I accidentally shoved the mic into my sister's chest. I apologized. She was not too Hurt. Yet My mom made a great deal of it.

She told Tony, "Sam is not your sister, she is a MONSTER!! don't go near her"

I Sit shocked on the bed with no words in my mouth. I was Speechless! 

Well, I Remember a similar incident that happened in the past. but this time it was Tony who shoved her fist into my chest. It hurt A lot. You would naturally expect the same reaction from my mother, but NO. She Just brushed it off as if it was nothing.

This is just the beginning of my miserable life diary.

there is more in the past. but writing it would take me an eternity.

I have always been and always will be the second priority!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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