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Suns POV

me and the rest of my gossip (yes that is actually what a group of sirens is called) were swimming one day, we were out looking for lost ones... the drowned... those who fall overboard... we will then read them a process that I would rather not explain and if they are good we save them, bad and we drown them. of course... there's always the chance that if your mate is a human you meet them like this, but that hasn't happened in a while.

we continue to swim until I see a burst of bubbles coming from the surface... someone had fallen overboard it seems, they have lavender colored clothes and have light blue hair, almost white. I signal to the others that I got this but Earth comes with me. I start to swim over to the sinking human but another burst of bubbles comes and a shape starts to swim to the lavender one, it has black and dark orange clothes with black hair that has red and orange highlights, they kick towards the sinking one but I dart and catch them instead, Earth getting the lavender.

he starts to struggle but I put a hand on his head and start the reading... he's a pirate... a captain... he's done horrific things... I'm about to send him to the depths of the ocean but a flicker comes into my mind... he's also a brother... not the best one at times... but he risked his life to save the lavender one whose name was Lunar I think... they are brothers... he may not like him... but he loves him... 

I shake my head and slowly swim up, seeing Earth do the same thing with Lunar, we toss them onto their ship and swim away... what a strange human... so many evil acts they had commited... yet they're not a bad person... who knows... the readings never lie

Eclipses POV

I watch as the yellow siren swims away with his gossip... he was going to kill me... why didn't he? he should have... he was... weird... but I need to find him again... I will make that siren mine.

a few years later Sun had forgotten about the strange encounter but Eclipse never forgot... never.

Suns POV

I was swimming on my own for a bit, taking a break from the rest. I close my eyes and let out some happy chirps and do a flip- 

something gets stuck on my tail... 

I try to get it off but it doesn't work... I just get more stuck until I'm fully tangled up in a net... I keep struggling until I end up on a deserted beach... 

I sit there slowly drying out... this is it... this is the end... I let out one last screach hoping someone anyone! would hear me... 

I close my eyes, ready for death to take me but then... a shadow falls over me and I feel myself getting rolled back into the ocean... then someone starts to cut the net off me!? I open my eyes to see who it is...

Lunars POV

I groan and bang my head against the mast, we're pirates! we're meant to be cool! but right now we're just doing errands for the royals so they don't kill us!! gahhhh!!!! right now at least we're at sea... the king wanted to give his son and a prince from a neighboring kingdom a present... and chose to give them sirens... the asshole... sirens shouldn't be pets! but it's not like we can fight him on it... we end up at a good spot and cast our nets.

a little later we get what we need and head to shore, we've got a dark blue one and a light blue and green one who seems... kinda familiar for some reason... who knows. we sail back to shore and go to the castle only to be greeted by the prince, Monty.

"soooo did you get them?" he asked. I nod and show him out catch, he looks at the blue and green one and his eyes go wide, he walks up to her and slowly touches her hair but draws back soon after. "send the other one to prince Solar, take this one to my room" I roll my eyes but the crew does as he asks... though Puppet seems to be missing... weird... must've gone to the beach or something. me and Eclipse carry the blue and green one while Bloodmoon takes the dark blue one. we head to their room and set the siren down in a rather large tank before leaving.

Moons POV

THESE MOTHERFUCKERS THINK THEY CAN JUST TAKE ME AND EARTH?! I SWEAR TO GOD- wait... SUN! we were looking for him! oh no... oh no oh no oh no... I'm plopped into a tank and start to swim back and forth, stressing about Sun... what if he was captured? what if he got killed?!

"hey... are you ok...?" a voice asks and I turn around to see someone with black and orange hair wearing red and gold robes... this must be prince Solar... my new 'owner' I guess... I just ignore him, I hear rustling but then it goes quite... until he slowly start to climb up to the tank and dives in... weird... thats when I realize... HE'S IN SWIM SHORTS AND NOTHING ELSE! why is he hot...? wait he's coming over to me!

I hiss at him and dart away but he just follows, diving under and a weird glow comes from him and then... WHY DOES HE HAVE A TAIL?! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!

Solars POV

good question... the reason I now have a tail is one, plot convenince, and two, I've been working on a potion to let humans turn to sirens and vice versa.

"hey... calm down... I'm not going to hurt you" I tell murmer as he keeps darting away from me. he eventually swims up to me and growls out "the fuck are you going to do to me?"

"keep you here... talk to you a bit... test one thing, then let you go" I reply

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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