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The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow on Haein's peaceful slumber

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The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow on Haein's peaceful slumber. However, her tranquility was abruptly interrupted by the insistent knocking on the door. With a groan, Haein reluctantly pulled herself out of her dreams and into the reality of the new day.

"Girl, I said get up, breakfast will be ready," came the voice from beyond the door, jarring her awake.

Sitting up in bed, Haein rubbed her eyes and muttered to herself, "It wasn't a nightmare... all of it, it's real." She ran a hand through her disheveled hair, trying to shake off the lingering remnants of sleep.

As the memories of the previous day flood back, she realizes that the surreal events were indeed not a nightmare but her new reality.

With a heavy sigh, she pushes her head into the pillow, wishing she could escape.But with a determined resolve, she gathers her strength and prepares herself to face whatever the day may bring.

"Look, if you don't get up, I will make you get up," the persistent voice outside the door threatened, fueling Haein's irritation.

Reluctantly, she pushed herself out of bed and trudged to the kitchen, hoping to find something to appease her grumbling stomach. However, her quest for breakfast was met with disappointment as she found the fridge empty.

Just then, Grandma's unexpected appearance caught her off guard. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he quipped, "Haein, dear, are you starring in your own fridge-based movie this morning?"

Haein couldn't help but chuckle at his humorous remark, momentarily forgetting her frustrations.

"Oh, I was planning on making pancakes, but it seems your fridge has other ideas," Haein explained sheepishly. Grandma shot her a puzzled look, questioning the unconventional breakfast choice.

As Grandpa burst in with excitement, Grandma informed him, "Haein's preparing rice cakes for breakfast."

"Raiseok? The enemy's got to Raiseok?" Grandpa exclaimed, his words laced with confusion.

Grandma sighed, "He's insufferable when he forgets his medication." Despite the odd conversation, Haein tried to remain patient as Grandpa continued with his nonsensical chatter.

Soomin's interruption sliced through the conversation like a sharp knife. She scanned the empty table, her eyes narrowed.

"Mrs. Bride, will breakfast be ready by tonight?"

"I was planning on making pancakes, but I couldn't find the ingredients," Haein responded, her tone slightly defensive.

"These goddamn rich people," Soomin muttered under her breath before turning her attention to Haein's attire. "And what's with your outfit? Didn't you bring anything from home?"

"Well, we got married in a hurry, so I didn't have time," Haein explained.

"This won't do. I'll give you a dress, but first, you have to scrub those sinks," Soomin declared, her tone firm.

"And breakfast?"

"I changed my mind. I want you to do this. Why, you think you can't do it?" Soomin challenged.

Undeterred, Haein took it as a challenge. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail and rolled up her pants, ready to prove herself.

As Haein cleaned, her movements were slow and ineffective. She wiped the mirror halfheartedly, leaving streaks behind. Opening the sink to rinse her cleaning rags, she inadvertently caused a cascade of water to spill onto the floor.

Distracted by her broken nail, she failed to notice the overflowing sink until it was too late. Frantically trying to stop the flow, her attempts only made matters worse.

With a sinking feeling, she realized she had broken the sink. Removing the white thing inside, a foul smell wafted out, adding insult to injury.

Hurrying outside for a breath of fresh air, Haein found no respite as Soomin quickly intercepted her, launching into a scolding tirade. Instructing her to return and rectify the mess, Soomin's reprimand was relentless.

Unbeknownst to them, every detail was being meticulously observed by the maid who worked at Haein's house.

Jake entered the scene, observing the chaos with an amused grin. His smile widened as he saw Haein sprawled on the floor, attempting to fix the sink.

Giggling, he chimed in, "Good luck, Master Kang... Looks like you could use a hand."

"As if,"

"Yes, ma'am. Should we evacuate the house first?"

As Jake observed Haein's struggle with the sink he moved closer, gently pushing her aside to take over the task. Focused and determined, he worked on repairing the damage, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Taking charge of fixing the sink, Haein couldn't help but be captivated by his movements. With each flex of his muscles and deft maneuver, she watched in a mix of fascination and confusion.

There was something unexpectedly alluring about the way he handled the situation, a raw power in his actions that drew her attention. Despite her frustration with the situation, she couldn't deny the undeniable attraction that simmered beneath the surface.

As Jake glanced up and their eyes met, the Kang girl felt a rush of heat flood her cheeks. She quickly looked away, trying to suppress the unexpected flutter in her stomach.

But the image of his determined expression and the way he effortlessly took control of the situation lingered in her mind long after she had left the room.

Sitting alone in the garden, Haein tried not to think of what happened at the bathroom but before noticing tears welled up in her eyes as she wrestled with her emotions.

She reached for her phone, her fingers trembling with the urge to call her father, but a wave of pride held her back. In that moment of vulnerability, her pride seemed to overshadow her longing for connection, leaving her feeling more isolated than ever.


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