• Abandoned Building and Glass • | Louis gets injured

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Harry nodded and waited patiently for Louis to finish, managing to get down a cuppa and brush his teeth in the kitchen sink. Soon enough, Louis had popped out in the new outfit and was asking about today's plan. Harry was glad he made the right choice, and hoped that this trip would do him loads of good. He passed him a hot mug and started to answer him. "Yeah, I figured since he isn't home we could stop by as soon as possible. I'll stand at the door, just in case," he started to feel like this was a little risky, but he still knew in his gut it was for the best. "You can gather your things, however much you think you'll need," he wished he could give him a direct answer as to how long they'd be gone, but with these sorts of trip he usually did the length they were booked for, and did random pop-ups here and there, so he didn't know what to give him when it came to an estimate on time. Harry gave him some time to finish his drink, before starting up the bus and driving towards the direction of Louis' shared flat. By the time they got there, it was empty. Harry parked a block away and they made their way over. Before Louis entered, Harry kept a supportive hand on his back for a moment, trying to give Louis as much time as he needed. Once the door was open, he could see the apartment was sort of a mess, nothing extreme, but the bed wasn't made, some of Louis' favorite books on the floor as if they had been tossed. While he started packing his things, Harry pressed his back against their home and lit up a cigarette. He kept a close eye around them, just in case Max decided to show unexpectedly. He was prepared for the worse, but luckily everything was going smoothly. Louis eventually made his way out, and Harry audibly cheered for him, a big goofy grin on his face. He knew how hard this must have been, and silliness seemed like a good option in that moment. "Let's go get the band," he titled his head towards the bus, and they were off.

Louis thanked Harry as he took the mug with ease, humming contently at the first sip. He listened to Harry as he went over the plan, nodding in agreement. "Mhm, definitely a good idea to get in and out of there while he's gone. Easier for everyone." He murmured, sipping on his coffee as Harry told him to gather as much as he thought he'd need. He knew there was only so much space in the bus, but he did plan on grabbing all that he could just to make things easier. He finished his coffee before cleaning up the mugs, picking at his fingers while Harry drove towards the flat. He felt good about it, but he couldn't quite shake the nerves. He let out a soft breath, making the short walk from where they parked to the flat. He took his key out and unlocked the door, taking a moment just to stand with Harry and flashing a small smile for the supportive hand on his back. He excused himself afterwards, heading into the flat and finding a bag that he could pack. He might've had a little cry as he gathered his books up off the floor, but he was alright, blinked them all away before he stood to his feet and began working away at packing his clothes. He zipped the bag once he felt like he had all he needed, slinging it over his shoulder and joining Harry back at the front door. He laughed at Harry's cheering, nudging his side and walking back to the bus. "Off we go." He grinned, tossing his bag down once he was on the bus. "Now did you actually inform your band of this plan or is it a complete surprise?" He asked curiously, though they both knew everything would be fine regardless. There was no turning back now.

Harry seemed to pause in thought at the question, titling his head whiling turning a corner. "Um, well," he chuckled a bit, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. "A pleasant surprise," he smiled over at him. After a short drive, eventually they made it to their first stop, the bassist of the band; Toby. Harry parked the bus, before hopping out and jogging up to the door of his apartment. He knocked three times, and a groggy Toby answered. "Harry?" He glanced behind him, seeing Louis now. "Lou! The hell have you been?" He completely surpassed Harry and lunged for a quick hug with the fellow. "You're coming to the next gig, is that what this is?" He questioned. Harry glanced over at Louis, then back at his band mate. "Actually, Louis is coming for the tour," he gave a sheepish grin, shrugging his shoulders. "Surpriiise," he added. Toby looked confused for just a moment, before smiling big. The three of them caught up for just a few minutes, before they were off to Harper, the drummer's place. They were met with a similar puzzled look at first, followed by a grin and a tight hug to Louis. The three of them piled into the bus and caught up further as they drove back to Harry's spot. Harper seemed to glance around at everyone once a moment of silence fell over the group after minutes of laughing and carrying on with each other. "So... since no one is asking- isn't your boyfriend going to miss you? Doubt he'd even let you go with us, proper di-" Harry cut her short by tossing an empty soda can at her. "None of your business, bugger off," he butt in. She tsked and crossed her arms defensively, before leaning down to grab the can and throwing it at the back of Harry's head. "M'driving you ass," he turned the volume of the music up a bit, before nearly having to shout over it. "First leg of the tour were circling the perimeter of the stage, after that we're going just across the border."

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