Chapter 1

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You happily exited the school yard, the weight of the day lifting off your shoulders as you stepped into the afternoon sun. School had felt like an eternity, each minute dragging on until the bell finally rang, signaling your freedom. Your eagerness to leave was palpable; you couldn't wait for the day's obligations to end so you could meet up with your boyfriend, Sato.

Sato was a figure of intrigue in your town, a 23-year-old with a reputation as a big delinquent. He commanded respect and fear in equal measure, leading his own gang that held sway over the streets of Roppongi. Since you started dating him, you noticed a significant shift in how people treated you. Suddenly, doors opened, favors were readily granted, and even the bullying that once plagued you seemed to evaporate in his presence. It was as if by association with Sato, you gained a newfound status and protection.

As you made your way to the designated meeting point, a playground bathed in the soft hues of the evening sun, you couldn't help but reflect on the peculiar dynamics of your relationship. The mundane questions from classmates about dating a delinquent had become routine, but today, a classmate's inquiry struck a nerve. "How come a 23-year-old delinquent is dating a high school girl?" Their words echoed in your mind, stirring up a mix of emotions—dread, uncertainty, and a twinge of defiance.

Yet, amidst the swirl of conflicting thoughts, one constant remained: your unwavering belief in Sato's love for you. "But Sato loves me," you repeated to yourself like a mantra, seeking solace in those words as you navigated the labyrinth of doubts and insecurities.

The playground, usually a haven of innocence and nostalgia, served as a sanctuary where you could momentarily escape the complexities of your reality. Watching the children play, their laughter a balm to your troubled mind, you couldn't help but long for the simplicity of your own childhood—a time before the weight of expectations and judgments bore down upon you.

Thoughts of dinner intruded upon your reverie, a reminder of the responsibilities waiting for you at home. Living with a single father had its challenges, but his love and warmth provided a beacon of stability in an otherwise tumultuous world. Perhaps, in seeking solace in the arms of a dangerous delinquent like Sato, you were simply rebelling against the constraints of your reality—a desire to break free from the mundane and embrace the thrill of the unknown.

And yet, amidst the allure of rebellion, there lingered a sobering reality: the dangers inherent in Sato's world. While you had never witnessed the brutality firsthand, you were acutely aware of the risks that came with his lifestyle—the constant threat of violence, the ever-looming presence of law enforcement, and the toll it all took on those ensnared in its web. But for now, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the shadows lengthened, you pushed aside those concerns, choosing instead to bask in the fleeting moments of bliss that Sato's love afforded you.

You soon arrived at the playground, where Sato stood with two of his men, their presence serving as a silent declaration of protection in the tumultuous world you both inhabited. The sight of him filled you with a rush of euphoria, prompting an impulsive leap into his arms, seeking solace in his embrace. His smirk mirrored your excitement as he reciprocated the hug, but as his hands ventured beneath your skirt, a surge of discomfort rippled through you, prompting a swift request to retreat from his touch.

"Bunny! So good to see you! How was your day?" Sato's voice cut through the tension, momentarily easing your unease. "It was nice, had fun in school, why did you call? Is there something wrong you wanted to tell me?" you replied, eager to divert the conversation away from the unsettling encounter.

Sato's demeanor shifted as he relayed the purpose of his call, casually mentioning a looming confrontation with a rival "gang" consisting of just two individuals. Your incredulity was palpable as you questioned their sanity, incredulous at their audacity to challenge Sato's authority.

"I don't know, but I'm sure they are not complete," Sato mused, his tone laced with a hint of amusement. "But my question is: will I be able to see you tomorrow on Sesame Street at the abandoned construction site?"

Excitement bubbled within you as you eagerly confirmed your presence, the thrill of clandestine rendezvous adding an edge to the anticipation. "Yes, of course!" you exclaimed, unable to contain your enthusiasm.

"Great, then tomorrow at 8 I will be waiting for you, bunny," Sato declared, his embrace momentarily grounding you in a sense of security. "Now go home, it's getting late and you know the streets are dangerous!"

Reluctantly, you bid your farewell, torn between the desire to linger in his presence and the practicality of his warning. As you made your way home, the impending confrontation weighed heavily on your mind, a stark reminder of the risks inherent in your relationship with Sato.

Stopping by the grocery store, you hastily grabbed two onigiri, a meager dinner to satiate your hunger. "That's enough for me," you reasoned, eager to retreat to the safety of your home. With each bite, the flavors of the rice and filling provided a momentary respite from the chaos of the world outside, offering a fleeting sense of comfort in an uncertain reality.

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