Chapter 7

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-"So what is a pretty girl like you doing here alone? Don't you know this place is dangerous.,,

As Rindou's words washed over you, a mixture of surprise and intrigue danced in your mind. His smirk belied a genuine concern that resonated in his tone, cutting through the façade of the club's glamour to reveal the underlying danger lurking beneath the surface.

With a faint smile playing on your lips, you met his gaze, appreciating the unexpected sincerity in his words. "I guess I couldn't resist a taste of danger," you replied with a hint of playfulness, though a flicker of vulnerability betrayed your bravado.

In that moment, you found yourself drawn to Rindou's enigmatic presence, intrigued by the complexities hidden behind his charming exterior. As the weight of the night's mission hung in the air between you, you couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay buried beneath the surface of his carefully crafted persona.

As Rindou continued his attempts at seduction, a growing sense of frustration bubbled within you. How could he not remember you? You hadn't changed that much, had you?

"Well don't you remember me?,,

"I think I would remember a pretty girl like you if we met before,,-he kept on trying to seduce you.

Determined to jog his memory, you revealed your identity with a mixture of defiance and apprehension. The mention of your name and your connection to the recent hospital incident hung heavily in the air, casting a shadow over the previously lighthearted exchange.

"I am Y/n L/n the ex girlfriend of the man you and your brother sent to the hospital a week ago,,

However, Rindou's nonchalant response sent a chill down your spine, shattering any illusions of control you had managed to maintain.

"Wich one?,,

His monotone inquiry about which victim you were referring to only served to underscore the severity of the situation, leaving you reeling with a newfound sense of dread.

The realization that there may be multiple victims of the Haitani brothers' violence in just the past week sent a shiver down your spine, casting a dark cloud of uncertainty over the night's proceedings. With each passing moment, the facade of glamour and intrigue crumbled away, revealing the true dangers lurking within the shadows of the club scene.

You took one of the cups from the table and drank it. Rindo watched it in horror as he replied:

"That was Ran's, now your in big trouble,, he said.

As Rindou's words sank in, a sense of dread washed over you like a tidal wave crashing against the shore. The realization that you had unwittingly crossed a line in the eyes of the Haitani brothers sent a shiver down your spine, your hands trembling with apprehension.

Frantically, you searched for a way to rectify your mistake, offering to pay for the drink in a desperate attempt to appease Rindou's growing ire.

"How much was it? I will pay for it!,, you said while searching for your wallet in your purse.

However, his cold response only served to deepen your sense of unease, as he asserted the brothers' dominance over the club and its patrons.

Your in our club now, you live by our rules here. Ran will decide how you will pay for it,, he said while smirking.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, you resigned yourself to your fate, knowing that you were now at the mercy of the Haitani brothers' whims. As Rindou continued to smirk, his attention momentarily diverted by a text message, then the sudden appearance of Ran sent a jolt of surprise through the room.

Observing his tipsy demeanor, you couldn't help but wonder what consequences awaited you now that both brothers were present. With no escape in sight, you braced yourself for whatever punishment Ran deemed fitting for your transgression, trapped in a dangerous game with no clear way out.

"Well well well, who do we have here?,, he asked smirking

"I am Y/n the ex girlfriend of the guy you guys sent to the hospital last week,,

"OH yes, I remember you. Yo looked like a total smoke show, but when yo started crying I got a little dissapointed, big girls don't cry, you should know this.,,

"I know, sorry,,- why am I apologizing you asked yourself. They beat up your ex not you. You felt stupid now.

"So why are you here again? Did you knew we were here, is that why you're so dolled up?,,

Facing the daunting prospect of confessing the truth to Ran, you grappled with the weight of your options. The thought of revealing the extent of your actions, including stalking and dressing up specifically to infiltrate their world, filled you with a sense of dread.

Yet, the prospect of lying, knowing the potential consequences of further deception, seemed equally terrifying. With your heart pounding in your chest and your mind racing, you realized that honesty, though daunting, may be your only chance at mitigating the situation.

Summoning all the courage you could muster, you took a deep breath and prepared to face the consequences of your actions head-on. As Ran's gaze bore into you with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, you made the difficult decision to come clean, bracing yourself for whatever judgment awaited you.

With a trembling voice, you began to speak, knowing that the truth, no matter how uncomfortable, was the only path forward in a world governed by the unforgiving rules of the Haitani brothers.

As the truth spilled from your lips, a heavy silence descended upon the room, broken only by the sound of your own ragged breathing. With each word, you bared your soul, revealing the depths of your desperation and the lengths to which you had gone in pursuit of the Haitani brothers.

As Ran and Rindou listened to your confession, their expressions morphed from curiosity to annoyance, though a sense of satisfaction seemed to linger beneath the surface. Though they remained silent, their silent acknowledgment of your explanation spoke volumes, conveying a tacit understanding of your motivations, however misguided they may have been.

Though you omitted certain details, such as the involvement of the bartender who had aided you in your quest, you couldn't shake the gnawing sense of guilt that accompanied your admission. Yet, in the face of the Haitani brothers' formidable presence, you knew that protecting the innocent outweighed the need for full disclosure.

As the weight of their judgment hung in the air, you braced yourself for whatever consequences lay ahead, knowing that you had laid bare your soul in the hopes of earning their mercy. Whether that mercy would be granted remained to be seen, as you awaited their verdict with bated breath.

Ran than looked at the empty glass on the table than asked:

"And what happened to my drink my lady?,,

"I drank it,, -you mustered it out all at once. You felt embarassing of your actions but now there's nothing you can do about it.

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