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     The night was near. The sky was darkening. The outside became quiet and void. Everyone had gone inside, except for a newlywed couple and their newborn daughter. Pressure crept up to them as the father let out a sigh. 

"Honey, what should we do with the baby? You know we're too busy to take care of her,"

     The mother looked into the father's eyes. She felt hopeless, too. They weren't positive at all that they would be able to take care of her.

"What about we send her to an orphanage?" she suggested.

     He sighed. Loud. Loud enough for the baby to wake up and start crying. Loud enough for the mother to flinch. Dramatic enough to start World War III.

"You know what, Dianna? That's not a half bad idea," He grinned widely.

     His grin left his face, remembering that they were going to send their own child away. Away from them. Away from the people who gave birth to her. A wave of sadness swept over the two.

A few days later

"David?" She asked softly.

     She was holding her in the arms. The baby. She was sound asleep and clutching a little bear in her arms. 

"She's so cute..." David chuckled, listening to her snore. "What is it, honey?"

"Is this truly the best idea for us? For her?" Dianna sighed. 

     David groaned again. This was the fifth time she's asked this week.  He was starting to get annoyed with her indecisiveness and insecurity.

"Look, Di," He paused, looking for the right words, "Do you want to keep the baby or not?"

"I don't want her to be alone, David! I'll feel terrible for the rest of my life if I neglect the proper guidance she needs as a child!" 

David smirked. "Well, Dianna. The orphanage will take care of her, don't you worry sweetheart," 

     He pulled the car over to kiss her on the cheek. The baby was still on the mother's lap, sleeping peacefully. If any words could describe the young soul, it would be calmness.

"Now, let's drop her off, okay?" David whispered into her ear.



     The orphanage was a little cottage in the middle of the woods, with a nice lake view, of course. The atmosphere seemed pretty cozy, which boosted Dianna's hope of her daughter's experience there. The couple's first reactions of the place were overall positive. It looked gorgeous, and it was very cheap to send your kid there. This way, the parents would lose custody and never have to worry about the kid ever again.

"So, what's the child's name?" The lady at the front desk asked.

     The pair paused for a moment. They realized that they actually haven't named their baby yet. This was pathetic! How could they have missed this? 

     Dianna dragged David outside to have a talk. She glared at him, her nostrils flaring and her face getting hotter. 

"Auggh! How could we have not named her, David!?" She gasped.

"I don't know! I was so busy with getting the baby out of you safely that I forgot to remind you!" 

"Ugh... what are we going to name her?" Dianna groaned.

     They both thought for a moment. Finally, David spoke up.

"What about... Valentina? It's pretty and cute," He suggested. 

     Dianna's eyes lightened up. She held the little bundle of joy in her hands as she rocked her back and forth. David watched closely at them two, thinking both were nothing but adorable.

"That's a perfect name," She smiled.

"Ready to drop her off, baby?" He asked.

     She looked down at Valentina, sad to let her go but knowing it's for the best. She picked up the girl and kissed her on the cheek. 

"Stay strong. Me and your daddy love you,"

     Tears fell from her eyes when she handed her child to the clerk. If only she didn't have to work...

"Yep, stay strong baby," David whispered softly.

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