Chapter Twenty Two - The Meeting

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May 21, 2017

Today YG scheduled for the five of us to come into the building for a sit down meeting. Regarding the issue involving Y/n's health.

Not only were the board members going to be there, but as well as our managers, Y/n's therapist and of course.. her parents...

Since that day in the practice room, Y/n has been somewhat, emotionless.. she cried at first. But soon the tears just.. disappeared. What's worst is that she hasn't even spoken a word to us.. especially me since then.

And no matter how much we've tried getting her to talk or even acknowledge us... she just wouldn't.

The only people she would talk to were our managers when needed. I know she's doing this because she's upset, but also because she just doesn't want to talk about it.

I'm the reason she's not talking.. but I couldn't just sit around, knowing she was harming herself like this.

I know this isn't what she wanted, the board, her therapist.. especially her parents to know about this. But she gave me no choice, I was there for her, and I told her if it started to get worse.. I was going to inform our team about it.


I know I should have warned her before announcing it just like that.. if I would have just talked her about my plan, maybe all of this wouldn't be happening.. we can't change the past though.

My eyes couldn't even help themselves from glancing at her every few seconds. Right now.. she looked so small, even though we're the same height.

She was just sitting quietly with her eyes looking down at her lap, across from me with Jisoo unnie sitting beside her.

Right now it was just the five of us, sitting patiently in the meeting room with our managers and Mr. Yang Hyun-suk. Waiting on Y/n's therapist Dr. Kim and her parents to arrive.

Suddenly a knock was heard on the door.

"Come in." YG announced.

Soon the view of the three people we had been waiting for to get this meeting started walked in.

I looked over at Y/n once again, who took a brief glance at her parents.

She looked nervous, scared and hurt..

"Thank you for joining us today, I'm sorry I didn't give you three a specific reason why I needed you to meet with us, but I insure you it's very important. And it regards your daughter, and your patient." The boss informed the three adults who looked over at Y/n confusingly as they took their seats.

"What? What's happening?" Hana, Y/n's mom asked.

"Lisa, would you care to explain?" He asked me, suddenly eyes were all on me... except for one.

I honestly didn't like being put on the spot like that.. I told them everything they needed to know but still they insist I spoke up..

I already feel horrible enough and this was definitely not making me feel any better.

But nevertheless, I slowly started to explain everything to the three of them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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