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"Samantha, sweetheart, stay with me, please. Stay with me, you know what I was doing. Just try to stay focused on me, if you can."

You tried to collect yourself, curling up against your body as you did so as you felt the way that you just barely managed to scramble from the way that you have been thrown onto the ground. Your lips were trembling, and your eyes crawled up as you begin to scramble your way over towards the horse in front of you. It seemed as if it was oddly frozen and in a way, almost as if it was vaguely agreeing of Barbara towards the way that you had forced it over to the side to try to be able to pull it back down beside you. your eyes reflect up, twisted for it as you did so as you gazed above towards the horse, as you saw the way that it was twisting it said from one side and over to the other, the burning fire from within it vague and twisted as it did so as it guided up and stepped from one side, and back over towards the other as it kicked up the form of the dust around it. But, surprisingly enough, it didn't seem as if it was necessarily entirely in tune from turning away from the way they would stop at the way that you would assumed. Despite the fact that it seemed as if it was caught over between the seriality of some sort of increased demand on one side, and the rod of humanity on the other, and something inside of you that you knew was inherently undertwined with that memory, you could see the way that at least a vaguely, it was beginning to try to come back to itself, as if there was something of Samantha that was doing her best to try to be able to acknowledge and to stay beside you at least in so much as she could have managed.

Your hands gripped up against this side of the floor, and begin to scramble as you twisted and contorted yourself up, eyes lowered and body turned up as your tripped her way above towards the horse in front of you as you saw the way that it's head was swinging from one side and over to the other, kicking up and churning the dirt as it did so. But it seemed as it for the time being, whatever sentiment that Samantha had given it seemed as if it was taking the majority of it for the time being. With your other hand, which was still burning and cut up on the other side, did you begin to rush away frantically at brava to the horse in front of you, your lips trembling, eyes contorted and burned up as you did so as you rushed away up forward to the front of the horse.

"baby come I know you're in there. You can't go in there, not yet. I don't know how it works but you can't just allow yourself to just barge in there on at least not yet, we have to go and we have to find something else, heal something about you, at least as quickly and as immediately as much as we can manage. I promise, sweetheart, but you can't just go in there, not yet. I don't know why. But there's a certain kind of disparate right now, some kind of fight that we're not allowed to interject with yet. I wish that I could tell you that you could, something tells me that you want to be there and so do I. I want to be there and is healed as much as you, but not yet, I'm sorry."

Your other hand is reaching out to Trumbull up over towards the horse in front of you, your lips trembling and your eyes eased up against the front of her as you saw the way that at least avately, the burning defines that was her eyes seemed as first so they begin to lower again at least for a moment, with the way of your hands were tremored as you probably did a barber towards the horse in front of you, hands gripped up against the side of the edge of your palm as you felt the way of your eyes flickered while turning up over towards the horse in front of you. It turned it said as it snapped it over to the side, and see him as if the burning flame that was within it was only increasing up within its thrash as it is itself beside you. You close your eyes as you felt that rotting a side of it began to sweep up against your body again, and the flail and the flesh those twisting up against you that came along with that rhyme despair again, and even though it was clear that to some extent, the side that was Samantha with that warm with that memory that was slowly managing to help you to remember over towards what the horse meant to you, and what it obtained within it of what you had felt, that there was an increase sense of it some like an overcoming overwhelmed and grief that was taking you being by the horse, but at the same time, something that was intertwined within it that was in between that more memory, and at the same time the fight that was turnip against the horse surrounding it to begin with.

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