Exhales of Relief

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"Ty, you are coming out of that house, starting that engine and coming over here to pick me up and we are going somewhere. Anywhere you want. Okay?" I ask.

He replies with a sigh and an "Okay." before hanging up the phone.

I had spent two days straight over at his place cleaning everything up. There wasn't much conversation.. Nor sleep or eating so I decided that was one way to get him out of the house.

I search in my purse, trying to find my keys. All of a sudden I hear the key to my hotel room unlatch.

"What the hell?" I mumble. I place my hand on the door handle and slowly turn the nob.

I find my keys and hold them between my middle, and pointer finger in a fist so the end of a key sticks out.

I swing the door open and step in cautiously.

I look around. And open my mouth to yell out something when a hand quickly covers my mouth and the door slams shut behind me.

"You yell, I knock you unconscious and we can finish this on my playing field. Got it?" I hear Adam's low voice whisper in my ear.

I nod.

He locks the door and let's me go.

When he does, I can still feel his body against the back of mine. I take a deep breath and quickly turn around and stab him in the stomach with my key.

He stumbles back for a quick second and I unlatch the door and start running down the hallway to the stairs.

I look back to see if he's following me when I hit something.. Someone.

Hands wrap around me to keep me from falling. I look up to see Tyler.

My breathing is heavy and my eyes are watery.

"Adelie, what the hell...?" I cut him off with pleading shushes.

I cling on to him and wait to hear footsteps following me. When I hear one from down the hall I push against Tyler and mouth "Run. Stairs. Now."

He looks at me confused but when I start moving, he does too.

I start running down them, fast. I hear Tyler behind me and make it to the bottom, completely out of breath but I keep running. Once we make it to he lobby Tyler stops me, putting both of his hands on my shoulders.

"Adelie, talk to me. What was that?"

"Adam." I make out through heavy breaths.

Tyler looks behind him at the stairs door and then back at me, concerned. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He starts examining my face, looking for some sign of struggle.

I nod my head. "I'm fine" I say, looking away. "Can we just go?"

"Yeah." He says. He grabs my shoulders again and leads me to the door.

I hear the stair door shut again and we both look back. Adam starts walking to us, none of us make a scene. Just keep walking. My heart is pounding and Tyler pulls me closer.

Once we make it to the sidewalk there are people everywhere. We just keep walking to Tyler's car, picking up the pace every second.

He unlocks the door and helps me into his truck. Once he closes the door, he locks the car again. Then walks around to the other side. I look for Adam in the crowd, trying to make sure Tyler makes it around before anything happens.

Tyler unlocks it again and hops in before locking it.

We quickly drive off. No words are exchanged. Just exhales of relief.

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