I Like You

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"So your name is Ad-e-lie?" Whitney asks slowly, obviously trying hard to pronounce my name right. I nod. "And you killed a guy and then made a sex tape?" She asks cold-heartedly.

"Whit." Tyler says giving her a stern look.

"No, no it's fine Ty. Let the slut talk. I'm sure she'll be able to pronounce words if we just let her go for awhile." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Woah Ad. Chill." Jay says.

I laugh a little and take a second before saying anything. "Yeah sorry my bad." I pull a blunt out of my bag and light it. "Chill enough for you?"

"What the hell are you doing?" Tyler asks.

"Sorry, I'll take it outside." Knowing that it's obviously not what he meant. I stand up from the dinner table and head for the door. Once I make it outside I instantly feel the cool, crisp, summer air.

I sit on the ground and slowly breathe in and out. After about 10 minutes I hear the door open.

"Ad, that wasn't cool." I hear Tyler behind me.

"Don't tell me what's 'cool' and what's not Ty."

"You can't just call someone a slut."

"Yeah well you can't just kiss a girl and have a girlfriend. But, oh wait, you did that." I say laughing a little and rolling me eyes.

Tyler sits down next to me and sighs. "I'm not going to apologize."

"Didn't ask you to." I say, puffing out smoke.

Tyler takes the blunt from my hand. "No more of this Ad."

"No more of what? Ty you can't just play me like that and then act like you still deserve any kind of respect from me. God, who do you even think you are to do shit like that?" I say, getting defensive.

"Ad, I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry. I don't even like Whitney. She was cool for the first year or so but she's just a pain at this point. I like you. And I wish I could just end with her but I can't. I can't just hurt her like that."

"God, what is it with you guys? You might not be hurting her but you sure as hell just hurt me. Way to go. Really." I grab the blunt back from his hand and walk back inside the house, leaving him there.

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