|•First time meeting•|

14 1 2

Dream is a very famous and handsome model which makes him popular at pretty much everywhere he goes hes 17

Dream has a perfect life or..well thats what everybody thinks he hates being famous he doesnt want to have people asking for photos or anything when hes trying to eat or people running after him when hes trying to get home

Luckily Dream has a really good bodyguard who protects him no matter what

Dream was sitting at his bed he was just waiting for the time to get to school when suddenly his younger sister runs inside the room

Drista: "Big brother!"

Dream: "Whats up little one?"

(A/N: Im not sure how old Drista is IRL but im making Drista as a 6 year old here because yes)

Drista: "Mom said i could start taking photos too! Shes finnally gonna let me be a model just like you!"

Dream stays silent looking at her he was proud of course he was but he didnt want his sister whos still only a child to have the same annoying life he has

Dream: "Thats amazing Drista now go get ready for school okay?"

Drista nods and runs out of the room Dream looks at the time and decides to leave for school

He walks downstairs to the living room where his bodyguard is already waiting for him

Dream: "Your early today."

Sapnap: "Of course i take my job seriously."

Dream smiles and nods they get on the car and Dream leans on Sapnap they both being on the backseat

Sapnap has been with Dream since they were little kids so they got along pretty well Dream saw Sapnap as an older brother

(A/N: Im making Sapnap being older than Dream because i feel like it will be better for what i have planed for this fanfic)

Sapnap: "Not exited?"

Dream: "Should i be?"

Sapnap laughs a little and wraps an arm around Dreams shoulders

Dream: "So..what happened with Karl that day?"

Sapnap smiles and shows Dream an engagement ring Dream quickly sits up and smiles

Dream: "Seriously?!"

Sapnap: "Yeah we had that stupid fight over my jealousy and then like a few days later he asked me to marry him."

Dream hugs Sapnap thigly

Dream: "I wanna be invited to the wedding."

Sapnap: "Dont worry you will."

They finnally arrive at the school and Dream trys to go straight to class unfortunately he cant and immediatly gets surrounded by students

Dream sighs after what seems like an iternity he manages to get out of there and heads to class he sits down next to his boyfriend

(A/N: Again important for what i have planed that boyfriend is Fundy but they arent gonna stay togheter in the end obviously since this is a dnf fanfic)

Fundy: "Your late."

Dream: "Sorry puppy you know how it is."

Dream laughs a little and wraps an arm around Fundys shoulders Fundy sighs and leans on him

Fundy: "Whatever."

Class starts and the teacher announces that theres gonna be a new student the student walks inside the classroom and Dream is shocked to see another famous model called George followed by his bodyguard Karl which Dream knew as Sapnaps fiance he was surprised to see that Georges bodyguard was allowed to be with him inside the classroom since Sapnap wasnt

After switching some seats George ended up sitting next to Dream Fundy had to switch to the other side of the classroom which upset him and Dream

At lunch Dream was sitting on his table Fundy on his side and Sapnap on the other side Sapnap had insisted for Karl to sit with them so obviously George had to do the same Fundy didnt seem happy at all with all this but what could he do?

Sapnap: "And thats pretty much what happened i think."

Sapnap says as he finishs telling the story of how he and Karl got engaged George didnt seem interessed at all Karl couldnt stop giggling and smiling like an idiot Sapnap seemed pretty exited and happy too Fundy was just eating in silence the only person who seemed to be paying attention on Sapnap was Dream

Dream: "You just need to work on that stupid jealousy of yours."

Sapnap: "Tell that to your boyfriend."

Fundy: "Shut up you asshole."

Dream looks at Fundy with an annoyed expression Fundy just rolls his eyes and keeps eating

Dream: "Alright lets talk about something else please."

New fanfic please dont comment shit about Dream or George i dont care like i said on my other fanfic to me George is innocent and Dream too think whatever the fuck you want :)

Oh also theres gonna be alot of homophobia and angst on this fanfic the warnings will be at the top of the chapters and when the part comes

Thanks for reading i love you byeee!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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