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"Detective Lance, if I swear never to do it again, can we not tell my mother?" Miriam Queen asks, the handcuffs clicking into place on her wrist. 

"Not going to happen, Queen, you are underage."

"I have to tell her." Miriam mouths as Quentin Lance gets into the driver's seat of his police cruiser. 

Miriam huffs and leans against the window. She was in deep shit this time. Her mother and Walter were going to be so angry at her.  They're never very happy when she's brought home by Lance; she partially understands it because she's always causing trouble and the other part? Her brother, Oliver, was always getting into trouble with the police. Her mother has dealt with the police more than enough times with all of her children. 

"Miss Queen, we're here." Detective Lance says. 

Miriam smirks because even though he hates her family, he calls her Miss Queen. He could be sarcastic about it, but Miriam thought it was funny. 

Lance rings the doorbell, and Miriam's heart rate speeds up. Neither Moira Queen nor Walter Steele answers the door; instead, it's Thea. Miriam sighed as Thea looked between her younger sister and Lance. 

"Hello, Thea. Is your mom or Walter here?" The detective asks. 

"No, they're at a dinner party. They'll be gone for hours."  Thea leans against the doorframe. 

Either Miriam was going to be released into her seventeen-year-old sister's custody, or Detective Lance was going to put her right back into that police car and hold her until morning. She hoped he chose the first option. 

"I don't want to go through the process of holding, so I'm going to release Miriam to you, but I expect you to come down to the station tomorrow with your mother so I can speak to her." Detective Lance says, unlocking the cuffs around the girl's wrist.

"Thank you, promise I'll talk to my mom in the morning," Thea says, waving as Detective Lance walks away. 

"Bye, Mr. Lance!" Miriam calls out, holding in a laugh. 

"What the hell you'd do now?" Thea asks her sister as Miriam pushes past her into the house. 

"Monty and I may have trespassed." 

"Monty is not a good influence on you, Remi. I don't get why mom lets him hang around." Thea says. 

Miriam turns to face her sister, "You have no right to tell me who's a good influence. You've done worse than I ever have." 

"Remi, you are fifteen; I care much more about you than I do about myself." Thea snaps, but it falls on deaf ears as Miriam walks away. 

"I've never had to spend the night in a holding cell either," Miriam mumbles, running up the stairs two at a time. 

"Don't think I won't tell Mom because I am," Thea shouts up after her. 

Miriam ignores Thea and slams her bedroom door behind her. Pulling out her phone, she sends a text to Monty. 

*Window's open, parents not home* 

Monty replies with ok, and Miriam crawls into bed. Miriam stays curled up in a ball until her window slides open all the way. 

"Monty! Are you okay?" She asks, running to him. 

Monty catches her, putting his arm out so they wouldn't fall. 

"I'm fine; Felicity wasn't very happy, though." 

"How'd you get away from her?" Miriam asks. 

"Told her I was going to bed and locked my door." Monty laughs, getting comfortable on the bed. 

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