1.02 - Empty Coffins

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Remi hadn't left her room in three days. She couldn't get the thought out that someone would grab her as soon as she stepped outside the door. Her mother had hired a bodyguard to protect Oliver but had ignored how Remi didn't leave her room. Remi had gone through the same thing, and it seemed no one bothered to check on her to see how she felt.

"Miriam, it's time to get out of bed. You've been lying in here for three days; move on." Moira says, just waltzing right into her youngest daughter's room. "Mom," Remi shouts as her mother enters her closet, setting a 'nice' outfit out on Remi's bed. Moira looks around Remi's room before her eyes land on the girls, "Shower, get dressed, and come downstairs and pretend that you like your family. Oliver's proof of life is today, and you're not missing it." Moira scolded, shaking her head as she left the room. "I like most of them just fine," Remi mumbled. Maybe her mother was right; she could just be the cliche little rich girl her mother seemed to want her to be, and she could forget all about the kidnapping.


"Stealing that taxi, which was awesome, by the way. And who could forget peeing on the cop?" Remi could hear Tommy saying as she dragged her feet across the floor.

"I wish everyone would," Moira says, just as Remi walks into the room, wearing something her mother had not picked. "Miriam, what are you wearing?" Moira asks, looking at the jeans and faded t-shirt Remi had changed into. "Uh, clothes?" Remi shrugs, grinning at Tommy and Oliver. "Please go change; we don't have much time before we need to go." Moira sighs.

"Mom, it's fine. If she goes back upstairs, we may not see her again." Oliver says before turning his attention back to Tommy. "I'd hang, but we're headed to court." Tommy looks at Oliver, "It's why I'm here. My best friend is getting legally resurrected? I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." Tommy says.

Remi looks at Thea, who isn't even wearing shoes. "What about you? Are you coming too?" She asked. "No, the first four times he was in court was enough for me," Thea says, walking away. "Mom! You're making me go, but does she get to stay home? You do know she'll invite her friends over, and they'll ste-"

"Miriam, just stop! Please go get in the car." Walter says, and Remi looks between her stepfather and her mother. She scoffs when her mom says nothing and turns just as Mr. John Diggle - Oliver's new bodyguard - says the car is ready. Tommy holds his arm out for Remi to take, and she interlinks their arms.


Stepping out of the car is probably Remi's worst decision in her fifteen years. She is immediately bombarded with cameras and microphones in her face. The flashing lights made her head spin just a little. Remi has a tight grip on Tommy's sleeve, and another man is right behind her, probably there for Oliver's protection more than hers.


"How does it feel to return to civilization after five years?"

"What happened on that island, Mr.Queen?"

"Tell us about the accident."

So many reporters wanted just one comment from Oliver, but they all kept pushing forward until they made it inside the courthouse, the doors blocking the noise and the flashes of cameras. Inside the courtroom, Remi chose to sit next to Tommy at the end of the bench. It allowed her to leave if she felt the need to. Oliver stands when the judge asks and starts speaking about what happened to him.

"There was a storm, and the boat went down. I was the only survivor." Oliver starts, and Remi notices that Oliver stares straight ahead. She knew he remembered something because she'd done the same thing every time she thought of Travis Barclay. "My father didn't make it, and I almost died. I thought I had because I spent so many days alone in that raft before I saw the island. When I reached it, I knew I would have to live for my father and me." Oliver finishes, looking at Remi, who has kept her eyes on Oliver's back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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