Alastor's prank

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It was just another day in the Hazbin Hotel. Alastor and Niffy were having a conversation about bugs or something and Angel was bothering Husk as usual. Charlie was talking to Vaggie, going on and on about her endless dreams and ideas. The extermination had ended only about a week ago, and things seemed to be going well.

Just then, Lucifer came down the stairs after a long night of making ducks. "Good morning, all." he said respectfully, reaching the bottom of the stairs. Everyone else all said good morning in their own unique ways to him, before going back to their own thing. Lucifer and Niffty then went to the kitchen to cook who the fck knows what, as Niffty was staring and giggling creepily at Lucifer, who looked concerned for his life.
Suddenly, Alastor decided he was bored and wanted to do a mischievous ahh prank. He started cackling like an absolute lunatic as everyone in the lobby looked at him in horror. Husk dropped the bottle in his hand, spilling the wine before he said, "Umm... Al, are you like, okay or something? You need a therapist?" followed by Angel saying, " Yeah, this is concerning.", but Alastor ignored them, as he kept laughing like a mental hospital escapee as his eyes turned to radio dials and his antlers grew with his claws. At last, he decided to put his prank into action. Little did he know, it was going to backfire so bad.

He went up the hotel stairs, up into the ceiling, and started crawling through the vents while holding back laughter. Then, he found the vent that led into the kitchen, where he saw Lucifer and Niffty cooking. He planned to jumpscare them by coming out the vent.

He opened the kitchen vent as quietly as possible, and jumped out, but the moral of the story is to always look before you leap, as Lucifer and Niffty were deep frying Adam. And the vent in which Alastor crawled out of was, of course, right above the kitchen stove where they had a fourteen-gallon pot full of boiling oil that they were deep frying Adam in.

As you probably would have guessed, Alastor fell into the giant pot, and passed out due to the harsh conditions of the boiling oil. "Oh my goodness!!" said Lucifer. "Alastor!?" He reached into the oil with a pair of tongs and pulled out Alastor, who had 400 degrees burns all over his body. Niffty, who was sweeping the floor, looked up excitedly. "Alastor? Where?" she said innocently. Lucifer looked down at Niffty, wondering how to tell her. "Umm.. nothing, darling." he said hesitantly.

"Mmm... Okay!" said Niffty innocently before running off to keep sweeping. After the initial shock wore off, a devious smile crept over Lucifer's face as he had an amazing idea. So he took the passed out Alastor, put him in the eggs and bread crumbs, before putting him back in the oil to deep fry him more. Then, he took out the deep-fried Alastor and put him in a cardboard box. Lucifer beamed at his own intelligence. "C'mon, Niffty darling! Let's go give this to Rosie!" And so the two headed out of the hotel with the box, everyone's eyes followed them with concern.

Heehaw HotelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora