Zestial's secret

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Carmilla left the cafe and headed home to take a nap. The streets were chaotic as she walked through them, but she ignored it. At this point, her day couldn't possibly get crazier. When she got home, she walked into her kitchen, where Zestial, her best friend, (definitely not her husband), and her two daughters, Odette and Clara, were. Zestial looked down at Carmilla. "Is something wrong, old friend? Thou look traumatized."

"Yeah, mom." added Odette. "Did you run into Velvette or something?"
Clara looked over at Odette. "Nah, mom looks like she ran into the whole pack of Vees." Odette then debated, "No Clara, Velvette is the most annoying, remember? And if mom came across all three Vees, that Vox guy would have stopped Vel from being such a dumbfck." The two girls started debating back and forth whether their mom had run into all three Vees or just Velvette.

Carmilla sighed. "Now, now, girls, don't fight, unless you want to be adopted a second time.."

As Carmilla made herself some aspirin, Zestial finished the cup of tea he was drinking, before getting up from the table. "I'm going to go buy some milk. I see we are out."

"But Zestial- We still have eight gallons of milk in the fridge from the last times you said we were out of milk!" Carmilla said.
"Well, my good friend, it's like I always say," quoted Zestial, "Thou can never have too much milk."

"But Zestial..!" complained Carmilla. "It always takes you, like, four hours to buy milk! And you somehow end up spending $2000 on milk!"

"Well..." Zestial said nervously as he tapped his finger together. "It's because... I always buy premium milk that costs $2000."

Carmilla held up one of the milk cartons, eyeing it closely. "Zestial, this is the store brand milk. So you better tell me right now what you're spending $1998 on whenever you go and buy milk for four hours if you don't want to sleep on the couch tonight."

"Wait," said Clara. "Mom and Zestial were sharing a bed?"
Zestial gulped nervously. He did not want to sleep on the couch that night. If he did, he wouldn't be able to steal Carmilla's side of the blanket. So he thought and thought for an answer that wouldn't get him in trouble. But before he could come up with anything, Clara tripped over an orange skittle that was on the floor and fell into a secret room under the floorboards.

She looked around. There were a bunch of designer bags and designer clothes. There were also shelves of makeup and a vanity mirror. And there were pictures on the wall of Zestial dressed up in designer clothing with makeup on and designer bags. Some photos even showed Zestial and Velvette going shopping together. Clara was in shock. She grabbed the photos, quickly found the floorboard in which she had fallen in and climbed out.

"Mom! You won't believe what I found!" she said, looking shocked.

"Now what could it be, Clara? Did you finally find your dad?" said Carmilla.

"No, Mom! I found Zestial's secret stash of makeup and designer stuff!"


Carmilla turned to Zestial ominously. "I-I'm sorry. Carmilla." he said sheepishly. "But I just can't hide it anymore. I.. I'm preppy."

Carmilla's expression seemed to grow more demonic as anger flooded her veins. She marched over to the shoe rack, grabbed a sandal, and marched back over to Zestial before throwing the sandal at him Hispanic mom style.

He fell to the floor on impact of the powerful attack, as Odette and Clara took out their phones and began recording. Carmilla snatched the sandal back up and started hitting him over and over, yelling as she did. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, BUYING ALL THAT USELESS STUFF!? ERES ESTUPIDA!?!? YOU ARE GROUNDED!!!!!"

"Wait, mom!" Clara said,  taking out the photos she took from the secret room. "Zestial is secretly friends with Velvette!"

Carmilla's face became visibly furious, as Velvette was her greatest enemy. She dropped the sandal, marched back over to the shoe rack, and took every sandal on the rack.

"Antiguo poder de la sandalia, por favor ven a mí."She said, summoning the ancient power of the sandal, as 7 pairs of sandals hovered around her, glowing red as they fused together and formed a mega sandal beyblade looking thing.
She hovered up five feet into the air as her ancient Hispanic mom magic took over, and she flew over to the kitchen with her powerful sandal weapon and landed next to where Zestial was lying on the floor. As she raised her powerful sandal weapon, Zestial could see his life flashing before his eyes. As he was hit by the powerful force, a monstrous scream escaped Zestial's throat.

The pain was unbearable. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. Tears began to fall from his eyes as his life was over as he knew it. Great Zestial, the oldest overlord, killed by his wif- uh, I mean, best friend? He couldn't believe it. He curled up on the floor crying. "Carmilla.. Please forgive me...I deserve it. I surrender." he said, sobbing from the horrible pain.

Carmilla narrowed her eyes. "You're pathetic. Ready to die rather than accept mercy? No. Live. Live, knowing you only do because I let you. Now get up like a man, and go clean the bathroom. And you're sleeping on the couch tonight, by the way." She turned and left to take a nap, leaving Zestial on the floor. With no other choice, he got up, grabbed the cleaning supplies and began his walk of shame to the bathroom.

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