Chapter 1: A Brief Beginning and End

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Fate's a funny thing. It can toss you face-to-face with the most breathtaking person you'll ever meet, or someone who'll always be just out of reach. Lucky folks snag the first, while the unlucky ones get stuck with the second. Shen Nianci, unfortunately, belonged to the latter category.

The first week at her new school was a blur. Food tasted like cardboard, and while her classmates were already bonding over cafeteria fries, Shen Nianci could barely remember the names of the kids next to her in class. Was it introversion, or just plain crippling shyness?

Deciding a weekend recharge was desperately needed, she made a plan to stock up on groceries and essentials.

Shen Nianci pushed open the supermarket doors, the bright lights and overflowing shelves barely registering as she made a beeline for the clearance aisle. Scoring deals was her only solace this week. Balancing her basket full of discounted cereal and generic brand ramen, she nearly bumped right into a familiar face by the entrance.

"Zeze?" Her voice shot up in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

Li Yingze shrugged, nonchalant as ever. "Transferred schools."

Shen Nianci blinked, confusion creasing her brow. "But... I thought your parents wouldn't let you? I mean, your grades are killer here, why switch?" She vaguely recalled suggesting a transfer before, a suggestion he'd shot down faster than a runaway dodgeball. Now, his parents were on board? That was news.

"Seems my grades finally convinced them," Li Yingze muttered, a hint of helplessness in his voice.

A spark of secret delight ignited in Shen Nianci's chest. Fate, it seemed, had a funny way of working things out. Bumping into him again after barely any time felt like a stroke of luck. As she watched his retreating figure, her mind drifted.

Back then, Shen Nianci never imagined Li Yingze's eyes would lose their wide-eyed innocence, replaced with a guarded wariness that seemed to hold everyone at arm's length. Now, she desperately wanted to see that spark of the old him again.

But deep down, she knew she wasn't the hero in his story – she couldn't heal whatever had caused this shift.

The truth about Li Yingze's past had hit her like a ton of bricks.

A friend had witnessed him get in a fight and end up at the police station in junior high. Denial clawed at her. Li Yingze, the quiet, almost uptight good student? The one who wouldn't hurt a fly? It didn't fit the picture of the goofy, innocent boy she knew. In her mind, he was as far removed from the cigarette-smoking bullies as possible.

Maybe she never really knew him. In their first year of middle school, Li Yingze's height relegated him to the back row, good grades or not. Shen Nianci, a third-year in the next class over, couldn't help but notice the lanky figure in the back.

Thanks to her and her friends' (let's face it) relentless teasing, they eventually became acquainted.

Graduation from middle school arrived, and Li Yingze, along with another girl from his class, represented them in congratulating

Shen Nianci and her classmates. Standing confidently at the podium, speech in hand, Li Yingze delivered a well-wishing address to his graduating seniors. To Shen Nianci, he was the epitome of youthful charisma – confident, glowing – a memory she'd hold onto for years to come.

The other girl, however, owned the stage with her booming voice and even greater confidence.

Stuck in her classroom seat, Shen Nianci found her gaze glued to Li Yingze.

It was then someone muttered, "Cute couple," nearly giving Shen Nianci whiplash with her death glare.

Even now, years later, Shen Nianci couldn't stand that girl, though they barely spoke anymore.

That girl, though... she embodied everything Shen Nianci wished she could be. Self-doubt had been a constant shadow throughout her youth, stealing her chance to shine. But hey, that's just how middle school goes, right? Anyone remotely interesting with someone of the opposite sex instantly becomes the enemy.

After delivering his speech as a first-year rep, Li Yingze found his way to Shen Nianci for lunch. He sat across from her, a little shy, barely touching his food. Shen Nianci noticed and piled a generous portion onto his plate. "Thanks," he mumbled awkwardly.

A silent symphony erupted inside Shen Nianci. Internally screaming with joy, she managed a cool, "No problem," hoping to hide her excitement.

Li Yingze's smile lit up his face – those shallow dimples by his mouth and his fair skin, a combination Shen Nianci found strangely endearing. Whenever he smiled, it was like a ray of spring sunshine melting the winter chill in her heart.

She couldn't help but steal glances at him, even though back then she wouldn't have called herself a looker. Average at best, really. But hey, she had a good personality – honest and easygoing. Still, that nagging insecurity wouldn't leave her alone.

"So, can I borrow your phone to mess around with later?" Shen Nianci blurted out, her voice laced with hopeful caution. Deep down, she wasn't exactly bursting with confidence, but she had to shoot her shot.

Li Yingze looked up, surprised for a beat, then offered a simple nod.

"Seriously?" Shen Nianci couldn't believe it. She'd prepped a whole internal pep talk, but he just...agreed? Score!

Shen Nianci trailed Li Yingze back to class, waiting outside the door like a lovesick puppy. He disappeared inside for a second, then emerged with his phone in hand. He handed it to her right there in front of everyone.

Whispers erupted like popcorn kernels in a hot pan. Shen Nianci felt a blush creep up her cheeks, maybe from the alcohol, maybe from the sudden spotlight. Under the starry night sky, a young girl's crush felt as big and impossible to contain as the wind itself.

Right there, in front of the whole class, Li Yingze logged out of his messaging app and started adding a new account. Back then, it felt like a huge sign of trust.

For years to come, Shen Nianci would replay that night in her head, wondering if Li Yingze ever felt the same way. Did he ever like her back?

The question gnawed at her for years, leaving her with no clear answer. Maybe that's why the doubt lingered for so long.

After Li Yingze transferred to her school, they often planned weekend outings together. Their schools were close, just a few streets apart, and both had classes on Sunday afternoons. Unlike Li Yingze, who had Saturdays free, Shen Nianci had to attend classes until Sunday morning.

So, on those afternoons, she usually stuck around school to avoid the hassle of going home and back again. Only on long breaks would they head home together, leaving them with limited time to hang out most weekends.

One Sunday afternoon, Shen Nianci vividly recalls strolling down the street with Li Yingze, seemingly with plenty of time before their next obligation. Suddenly, he spun around, a touch of embarrassment coloring his cheeks, and blurted out, "Stop following me."

Confused, Shen Nianci looked back and saw several people panicking and dodging around behind them. Shen Nianci was puzzled and asked Li Yingze, "Who are they?"

"My classmates," Li Yingze said with some resignation.

Later, Shen Nianci was grateful for this experience, because during that time, she briefly became his girlfriend, fulfilling her wish. Shen Nianci was Li Yingze's girlfriend; otherwise, they wouldn't have dared to do such foolish things. 

Secret Love at the Equator by Xia ZhiyaoWhere stories live. Discover now