Chapter 1 The sleepover

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All was going well, I walked over from my house to my Friends house, Layla we have friends since we were two years old. My sort of new friend Tina would be there as well and she said that she was going to bring her Therian cat mask so I wanted to as well, I walked over there with it on and knocked on the door it was all ok we went to the beach after where we got called furries and furbies? When we got back we had hotdogs. After we ran up upstairs to play Layla's got talent which is just Britain's got talent but in Layla's room with her younger brother as well all was fun I was judge the first round and the second I just let them text a song lyrics to anyone nothing happened. Later we watched a film on Layla's bed I was laying on Tina (we never do that) and when it was done me and Tina went to our sleeping bags Layla's younger brother went to bed and Layla went to sleep at 11 pm as always but me and Tina stayed up together till 2 Am we talked all through it and she said come over and hug and as a people pleaser I did so and she whispered "it's kind of like were together" and at that moment I didn't know what was going on and I was confused I let her carry on "If we were, you would tell anyone?" She asked I replied with I don't know or I don't mind and rushed off to the toilet as Layla's mum walked in. I was so confused Tina has a bf? Though she has told me In drama club about how she wants to break up with him because he pays zero attention to her and doesn't care I never see them together so? I returned and she said no more.. The next Morning I was leaving at 9:30 and Tina woke up at 9 though I had to wake her up we were talking and she said that she held my hand in my sleep (I KNOW ITS CREEPY BUT)  And she stopped talking about it. I think I like Tina...

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