Chapter 1

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Drip, drop, drip, drop every morning the rain trickles on the leaves. Nothing more than another cold morning in the Murrads, one of many cities in Evermore. It is home to tradesmen, rustic mechanics, and the nation's largest shipping ports. Here everyone pulls their own weight, even the younglings. By the age of ten, boys and girls are secretly working as runners in the market, fetching supplies and other things for their employers. Anyone not a runner is sent to school in Kida, a city filled with technological advancements that the state's Capital, Empiria highly relies on for support.

"I envy anyone who can find joy in spending another day in doors," Theo whispered. A knock at the door interrupted his train of thought. "What?"

He hears the door creak open as a small figure steps through the doors and says, "Sorry to bother you, but mom wants you downstairs." Theo turned to face the person, giving her a warm smile. "I'm on my way." he said.

Upon descending the staircase, Theo could hear multiple voices bickering about the upcoming match. "Don't tell me you're gonna bet on Pittson," said Thomas, "His record is rubbish, 14-8. I'm sticking with Breker, 20-2." Theo shook his head in disbelief as his sister, Amara rolled her eyes, completely losing interest in her brothers' conversation.

"Morning," he said, placing a kiss on his mother's cheek. She smiled at her youngest son's greeting as she placed a plate of food before him. Theo took a couple bites before grabbing his long trench coat and keys. "I'll be home late," he said, "I'm grabbing dinner with my friends." Nothing Theo does seems to faze his mother, since he was considered the golden child out of his siblings. His sister, Amara didn't take offense to it because it meant her mother wasn't grooming her to be the perfect little Princess, she could do whatever she wanted they wouldn't care. But their brothers, Thomas and Aargon always took the matters to heart, especially Aargon given he is the eldest child.

"Wish I had that freedom," Aargon whispered. Yet, having that freedom didn't come easy with Theo, he had to prove himself to his parents by being the top student at Trixon Academy as he trained to become an Officer. His father felt honored to have a son training to be a Lieutenant, he only wished Aargon hadn't gotten himself into trouble at Trixon. Aargon was expected to be promoted to Lieutenant Colonel by the end of his term, but sadly an unexpected incident occurred and Aargon got kicked out with a dishonorable discharge from cadet school. Since then, he and a few friends that he met while attending Trixon decided to create a gaming crew of their own, calling themselves the Fire Dogs.

Here in Evermore, when the cadets attend school their training is not only physical but also mental. Over time, the cadets establish gaming groups to compete against each other for sport but others see it as training for any real life situation. Their minds are strapped into a simulated environment where if they were to get punched, they'd feel its force vibrating off of their bodies. The simulated games can get intense and heated on occasions. Anyone can join in the games, hence Aargon's group, the Fire Dogs who have become one of few groups to grow significantly in less than a month from starting.

For Theo, he agreed to join one group but desires to create another where he could continue making a name for himself without others needing him for publicity or trying to play matchmaker. He knows that in his current group, there is a plan to get him to ask out his teammate but Theo wants nothing to do with her, so he must find a way out soon.

At school, Theo managed to spend time on the mock-up playing field, testing out battle strategies and minor plans for potential heists. "Three turns to the right," he said, "Fire!" Watching as the beam from a canon stung a wave of fighter pilots. Before he could make his next move a bell rang signaling for homeroom.

Theo gathered his things and headed for the big double golden doors titled, L.O.G.I.C.

When he arrived, his "friends" signaled for him to join them in the back of the classroom. "There you are," one said, "Where were you this morning? We waited by the auditorium." Theo didn't say much, except for the word 'practice'. Bri, an upperclassman in the group, nuzzled up by Theo telling him about her summer break with Iva, the girl everyone wants him to ask out.

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