Lazy Night 💙❤️📖

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•A/N: Requested by Zammy_Tammy, a part two of "Dreams becoming reality" :)
•Headcanon: I think Puff has insomnia, I guess it's more of a canon than a headcanon but it's not officially confirmed.
•"In case you're wondering, Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain, and it is responsible for regulating the functioning of the body’s biological clock (such as sleep) during times of wakefulness and sleep. Insomnia is the result of a lack of secretion of this hormone. And not getting enough sleep causes anger issues and stress" ☝️🤓 (I'm studying too hard bro 😭)


Everyone in the band knew Puff just isn't a heavy sleeper. In fact, he barley sleeps. And is most likely one of the reasons why he's so angry all the time, but he can't help it, it's the way the nervous system responds to stress.

His insomnia just doesn't allow him to get the sleep he needs, he'd sleep 2-4 hours a day. Sometimes he doesn't sleep at all.

He tried taking medications for it, but it's messing up with his body. While Melatonin did help him sleep, it messes up with the band schedules, replacing the hours spent on tours, concerts, and training with deep sleep, so he decided not to take them.

One thing that really helped him sleep is watching an old movie. He'd stare at the black and white screen for hours and then he'd feel sleepy and closes his eyes. Usually Benatar is the one who wakes up in the middle of the night, wether it's to use the toilet or to get a "Cuppa Wotah", and he sees the short man giving up to exhaustion on the couch and covers him with a blanket and sometimes takes off his glasses for him out of sympathy.

It was around 2 am, Puff was still in bed with DeeJay. He desperately wanted to sleep, but couldn't. He sighed and got up, made himself some tea and turned on the TV and put an old movie on low volume.

While it's true he makes fun of Benatar for drinking tea, but that's because he's British. He found tea quite delicious at times, and it helps him relax his muscles. Something he'll never admit.

He finished the first movie, and moved on to the second. He looked at his phone, 3:24 am. He really wanted to just drift off to sleep, but couldn't.

He started to get irritated, fuck, why can't he just rest!?

He laid down on the couch while pinching them bridge of his nose, he then kicked the couch out of frustration.

But then he heard footsteps, he assumed it's Benatar, since he always is the one who checks up on him at night. But it was DeeJay.

D-"Dude, what are you doing?"


D-"Can't sleep?"


D-"Well gee, no need to make a fuzz"

P-"The fuck you mean?"

D-"Why are you kicking the couch?"

P-"I'm just tired..."

D-"And this?"

P-"An old movie and a tea cup"


P-"It helps best. Y'know, to sleep"

D-"I see. Can I join?"

P-"Do whatever you want"

He sat next to him and watched some of the movie with him, it was peaceful. Puff was eyeing DeeJay, he looked him up and down and formed a small grin with a blush on his face. He then traced lazy patterns on DeeJay's hand, he then grabbed Puff's hand and locked their fingers together.

Puff then continued watching the movie, his sleepy eyes started to give up slowly. DeeJay noticed and laid down on the couch And grabbed Puff to lay down with him. He was embarrassed at first and blushed furiously, but then he completely relaxed.

He snuggled in closer to Deejay,

P-"I know it's corny, but, putting an old movie and drinking that twink's tea isn't the only thing that could put me to sleep."

D-"Oh yeah? What else could help?"

P-"Being with you.."

He hid his face and closed his eyes. DeeJay smirked and held him closer as they slept peacefully together.

After a few minutes, Benatar wakes up and sees the couple on the couch asleep. He then takes off Puff's glasses and turns off the TV. We went to Puff's and DeeJay's bunk and grabs their blankets and covers them and goes to the bathroom. Leaving those two love birds in their own comforting and soothing slumber.


•A/N: I know it's short, but that's because I ran out of ideas. If you have any ideas/suggestions then PLEASE GIVE ME I RAN OUTTA IDEASSS..

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