2. New People.

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He smiled with a nod. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Estria." He said then opened the door and went inside. I followed.

Although the place was huge, it was filled with people. It had everything you could ask for. Games were set in the corner, a bar was on the other side of the building. There were tons of floors and places to go to. Everyone was so cheerful and bright.

"This is where most people stay. It's safe and welcoming. You'd be shocked if you knew we're still building more floors." He explained.

"Why are you building more? Isn't this more than enough?" I asked.

He smiled. "Take a look around," He said. "Does it look like there is any space for another person to enter?" I shook my head. He snapped his fingers together and grinned. "Exactly. We're building more since at least 10 people come every day to this dimension. Today, your one of them." He continued and poked my forehead.

I glared at him playfully before looking around again. This whole dimension is so memorizing that you can't take your eyes off it. Suddenly, a girl pushed me, making me trip, but Yuri held me and got me up. "Thanks." I mumbled with a smile.

He smiled back with a nod before looking at the girl. "Watch out, Rubey! This is your fifth time doing this." He yelled, sighing.

I looked at him then at her and back at him. "You know her?" I asked.

He nodded. "Unfortunately, yeah. She's my friend since highschool." He mumbled with sigh.

She took my hand and shook it, smiling brightly. "Hi! I'm Rubey. It's nice to you! I haven't seen you around here, are you new?" She asked.

"Yeah, I just came here." I answered, rubbing the back of my neck. The red head girl nodded.

"I'm sure you'll fit in just fine!" She reassured. I smiled. She seems really nice and energetic, just like this dimension. Her name really suits her name, too.

"Rubey... Stop roaming around the place." A man whined from behind. I looked up, since he was tall, only to see a blonde haired guy with and exhausted look on his face.

"Oh, stop whining!" She said, hitting his shoulder. I looked at her confused on who is he. "This is Zen, he dosent like interacting with new people." She explained.

He glared at her. "I never said that. I said, I don't like interacting with people like you." He said sternly.

She waved him off. "Same thing." She mumbled, then looked back at me. "I can see you and Yuri are getting along pretty well."

"It was my job to get her out of that hell hole, Rubey. You didn't focus in the meeting, didn't you?" He asked. She laughed nervously, averting her eyes. Yuri sighed, looking hopeless.

"Well, we'll catch up with you two later. I need to have a talk with Rubey." He said then dragged her away.

"Hey! Let me go!" She yelled, moving around. Once they were out of sight, Yuri mumbled somthing under his breath, sighing.

"Come on, let get out. I wanna show you were you'll be staying." He said taking my hand and walking us out of the place.

"How do you know every place here? It's enourmous!" I asked.

He smiled. "I don't." He replied, closing the doors behind us.

"Then how-" Suddenly we were teleported in front of a house, leaving me speechless. A sudden rumbling in the stomach formed and I ran to the nearest tree, throwing up.

He came and held my hair, smiling nervously. "Don't worry, eventually you'll get used it." He reassured.

"How did you-" I threw up. "Do that..?" I mumbled, disgusted.

"It's something all of us have, by this watch." He explained and showed me it. So that's what it is. A watch, not a bracelet.

I got up, wiping my mouth and nodding in response. I looked back at the house. It was kinda bug for only one person, but it was breathtaking too. Everything here is breathtaking. It looked like it would belong in a forest. "Why is it that big? I thought I'm living alone."

"Oh, well, because we're going to live together. But, later on you'll have a hone of yourself, it's getting built as we speak." He replied.

"Oh, alright." I mumbled, though I couldn't help but have a weird feeling in my stomach. I looked up at the sky, noticing that it's getting pretty dark. "We should get in. I'm feeling kinda tired after all that." I suggested, yawning.

"Alright." He said, taking my hand and leading me into the house.


After changing and talking for a little, we headed to bed. Yuri was fast asleep, it was like he hasn't slept in days. But on the other hand, I couldn't sleep. There was a weird sense in my stomach stopping me. It was all because of the little things he did. But they were all something anyone would do. The feeling isn't butterflies though, it was a feeling of affection. Of feeling loved.

I rolled to the other side, staring at the window. Unlike in the morning, the place was quiet and the only sounds were the wind hitting the leaves and the birds chippering. It was peaceful. It made me calm. I wonder if the universe is always this peaceful. Eventually, it made me fall into a deep sleep.


A/n: wooooo chapter 2 is done!! Might do chapter 3 too because I'm feeling productive. If I do chapter 3, it will prob be uploaded tmrw or Monday! Love you all!!

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