◇ Introduction ◇

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Welcome ! First of all thanks for clicking on this fanfic ! 

This book is gonna be exclusively Windbreaker one-shots, and I'll be taking requests so feel free to drop one ! 

Speaking of requests, I might take a while to write them, since I'm deep into my studies, but I'll do my best, I promise ! 

I'll be accepting : 

◇ Fluff

    ◇ Angst 

◇ Whatever doesn't imply smut/illegal stuff 

I hope you have a nice time reading. 

The first Oneshot is on Mitsuki Kiryuu, I hope it'll be enough to vouch for my writing style for now ! 

Enjoy <33

◇ Book dedicated to :  @eptienus

A/n ; I now have a Kaji book that I'll start updating soon so if you're interested, you can always check it out ;) votes appreciated <33

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