Sing our feelings || Hayato Suo

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Sing our feelings

= Song ; If I can stop one heart from breaking (recommended to listen when signaled) =


The light steps he took resonated against the wooden floor as Suo made his way towards you.

The flat roof of your house was always the spot where he would find you sitting and, as usual, you were indeed staring at the night sky from your seat, the floor.

He inhaled deeply as he sat in the empty space next to you.

"(Name)... I'm sorry."

You barely flinched, sighing in despair.

"They agreed didn't they ? My parents."

Suo shifted slightly, staring at his hands. "Yes. We're to get engaged."

Your eyelids suddenly felt heavy, and you felt the urge to lay down.

As you did so, you glanced at the stars shining right above you.

"I too, wished to shine like you." You whispered, your silent demand vanishing in the air as soon as the words left your lips.

Suo sighed once again, before speaking up.

"Look (Name), I know you won't be happy with me as long as we're living lives we don't control. You belong on the stage, and you know that besides you, the only thing I truly wish for is freedom. I want to go out there and discover the world, not be stuck in a room studying ancient texts.

We might be nobles, but we're no better than caged birds. Yes, all our needs are fulfilled, but despite being a pretty one, this place is still a cage. And I refuse to be the reason you're shackled down. I want you to live your dream."

He breathed in, preparing for the decisive words that would come out of his mouth next.

"So, this is what we're going to do. I'm... going to run away. Then, they'll lift off the engagement and you can go live your dream. And, when you'll give your first concert,

I'll be there, silently watching among the crowd." He softly smiled evoking the future you both dreamed of, this freedom you couldn't grasp just yet.

"Suo... you can't do this. Your parents will despise you, my dreams and yours could cost you your family."

"The moment they stole my right to live, they stopped being my parents. Please, (Name). You know what I seek. I can't just sit all day studying when there's a life I know nothing about out there. I'll be leaving tomorrow, at five in the morning. I wish you the best."

He leaned down and kissed your forehead before getting up and sliding the door open.

"Don't forget me, (Name)."


You smiled at the memory of him as you dressed up in your new attire, that you had specifically asked for the occasion.

Practicing playing the few notes you started with, your fingers swiftly caressed the piano's tiles, and as your lips moved, an enchanting melody filled the air.

"To you, I dedicate this song."

You silently thought, Suo's heartwarming smile forging itself in your mind, your motivation for the upcoming concert.

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