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I woke up with Lia in my arms again, but this time, our skins were touching so much more than ever. I smiled at her sleeping figure. She's really a baby.  "Lia" I try to wake her up, because she is sleeping on my arm. And my arm fell asleep. "Uhmm" she cuddles more into me, not ready to wake up just yet. 

And when I was about to try to wake her up again, I heard a knock on my door. I pull myself away from her, tugged her in because I don't want who ever is on the door to see her skin. I pull a robe and opened the door. "Sup cousin?" I asked. "Not the time to be happy, Ryujin's husband, he got attacked in the war?" She said. "What?" Is the only reaction that comes out from my mouth. 

"How is he now? Is he fine?" She shook her head. "He's dead" and I don't know what to feel right now. I feel a pinch in my heart when I imagine how sad Ryujin would be. She wasn't even married for hardly a few months and her husband is dead. "I'll be down in a minute" I said and Chaeryeong left.


Lia and I walk together to Ryujin's palace and when we enter there, the atmosphere is really sad, I can see Ryujin in the corner crying her heart out. Without thinking about anything, I just walked to her and hugged her tightly. She needs it, she needs to be comforted. I did not say a word, because anything I say won't make any difference. 

Ryujin hugs me back tighter, she doesn't want to let me go. We stayed like that for a while until her hand goes numb, my shirt is completely wet because of her sobbing. After a while, when I did not feel any movements, I looked at her and she has fallen asleep. 

She's been crying since morning, and of course she did not eat anything. "I'll put her to sleep" I said to all the people who were gathered there. Including her parents and Lia.  I carry her to her room, putting her down on her bed and tugging her in. 

I inform the maids to prepare her food and medicines, she might fall sick because of crying so much or her head must hurt. 

When I went down, I saw Ryujin's parents, I tried to comfort them too. They are really worried about their daughter. They said that they couldn't go to the west kingdom due to damage of property and the environment wouldn't be any good.

"My condolences, I hope I can be of help if you need me" I said as we left. 


We have spent the whole day at her palace, I would have offered to take care of Ryujin, but on the other hand I have Lia. She's not been feeling well, she threw up twice since morning. 

"Are you okay?" I asked Lia and she just hums. She looks weak, and pale. I pass her medicines and water, and prepare our bed. The atmosphere of the two places went quiet, it was really dull. I was actually worried about Ryujin and how she's going to take it onto herself. 

I help Lia get in bed, "I'll get us food, okay?" I said. "I don't think I can eat anything, I'll throw up" she said. I kissed her forehead, "you'll be alright" I left to get food. When I entered the kitchen, I saw Chaeryeong helping the maids. She's always been friendly and kind. She just threw a smile towards me, I asked the maids to prepare a light diet for Lia.

"Let's eat " I fed Lia, because she refused to eat anything. It's necessary for her to eat because she has to take her meds. "How do you feel now?" I asked sitting next to her holding her hand. "I don't really know, I just hope I don't throw up again. My head is hurting already" she said.

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