10|Soulmate seeker

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I lay on my bed and glanced out my window, spotting Divye dancing alone. A soft giggle escaped my lips as I watched him engaged in some kind of couple's dance before I switched off the lights.I rewind the day and thought to myself, 'Today was so scary. I got anxious and fainted. I thought he had come back. I get panicked in my uncle's presence, and Divye's sudden anger! Everything was so tiring."

"Good night Pari you're brave enough to face him this time!"

In the morning, I opened my eyes to the delightful scent of sunflower's. Sunflowers- I love them so much! Glancing around. I noticed a beautiful bouquet of sunflower's beside me. My face lit up as I reached for them, finding a note attached. With excitement, I unfolded the note.

"Hey Pari, about yesterday... My bad for the melodrama! Here are your favourite sunflowers to brighten things up. Maybe next time, I'll stick to strumming chords instead of hitting sour notes! Let's jam it out and make things right?"

I smiled as I realized he remembered my favourite flowers. He's surprisingly thoughtful! But I'm always wary of guys who show interest in me. I find it hard to trust them.


As I parked my car and glanced around, I spotted Divye hanging out with his friends. His gaze shifted towards me, and he started walking in my direction."

"Hey, how are you feeling now? I'm really sorry for yesterday," Divye asked with a touch of concern.

"I'm okay now, thanks for the flowers. And you don't have to be sorry! That wasn't your fault at all," I reassured him warmly.

Divye nodded, relieved. "Did you read the note?"

"Yeah, I did. And I forgive you," I replied, smiling softly.

"Then what do you think?" Divye asked eagerly.

"About what?" I inquired curiously.

"About hanging out and making things right?" Divye clarified.

I nodded thoughtfully. "I'll think about it!"

"So, Now you owe me a hangout Ms." Divye teased.

"Maybe, or maybe not," I teased, not fully committing to the idea of going out with him.

"What do you mean by maybe or maybe not?" Divye asked, genuinely puzzled.

"We'll see, Mr. Sharma," I winked playfully, leaving him intrigued.


I took my seat beside Ruhi, beaming with happiness.

"Hey, are you okay now?" Ruhi asked with concern.

"More than okay!" I exclaimed. "You know what, today Divye gave me a bouquet of sunflowers!"

"Seriously!" Ruhi said, her eyes widening. "So, what did you say? Yes or no?" She asked eagerly.

"Say yes or no for what?" I asked, puzzled.

"He proposed to you? Right?" Ruhi inquired, looking confused.

I glared at her, about to respond, when Ms. Twinkle interrupted.

"Attention, students!" She snapped, motioning for a boy and a girl to come inside. A hazel-eyed boy stepped forward, followed by a curly-haired girl.

"They are your new classmates!" Ms. Twinkle announced.

"Hello, everyone! I'm Niharika Mishra, and I love painting and dancing. I'd love to be friends with all of you," The girl confidently introduced herself.

Then it was the boy's turn. "Hey, girls and their brothers! I'm Rohan Singhania, and I'm on the lookout for a soulmate. I'm keen on being friends with guys and more than friends with girls," Rohan announced confidently, causing a stir among the students. Ms. Twinkle playfully hit his shoulder, and everyone burst into laughter.

"Rohan, you'll sit with Pari and Ruhi. And Niharika, your seatmate will be Vihaan."

"Why is every sample in my destiny?" I muttered under my breath.


"Hello, beautiful girls," he greeted with a wink.

As Rohan settled beside me with a mischievous grin, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his greeting. Ruhi, always quick to engage, shot back with a playful smirk.

"Well, hello there, charming soulmate-seeker," Ruhi replied.

Rohan chuckled, glancing between us."Looks like I stumbled upon the dynamic duo, I'm Rohan, by the way," he introduced himself, his gaze lingering on me a moment longer than necessary.

"Pari," I responded curtly, not particularly interested in engaging with him.

"And I am ruhi, nice to meet you." Ruhi smiled warmly.

Rohan smiled warmly, "Beautiful names for beautiful ladies." he leaned back with a grin.

Meanwhile, Divye's glances were directed in our direction. His expression was inscrutable, but I could tell he was watching Rohan interact with me. It seemed like Divye's attitude was shifting, but I couldn't figure out why he suddenly appeared so interested.

Throughout the day, Rohan's flirting became more frequent, which started to annoy me. I gave him skeptical looks and responded politely, showing that I wasn't interested in his advances.


Ruhi and I were sitting in the canteen, sipping on our drinks and chatting animatedly about the upcoming school event.

"I think Rohan has a crush on you at first sight! He's really whipped," Ruhi chuckled.

"He seems like a donkey to me!" I replied, feeling irritated by Rohan's antics.

Just then, Rohan swaggered over and took a seat in front of us at our table. "Missed me?" he asked, casting a glance in my direction. I rolled my eyes in response.

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