back to me (minsung)

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"Dude! Stop it now, " said his friend, seeing him looking lifeless after a lot of consuming drinks.

He ignored his friend word and continued chugging the drink down his throat. His friend shook his head with a sighed. He is tired of telling him to stop.

"What happened?..did you see him around?" Asked his friend when he put the glass of drink on the table.

"Yeah," he simply uttered.
"He has got a boyfriend, I guess," he told silently, then scoffed at the fact that he finally lost a part of him, who he had never noticed the importance of that person in his life.

"You think so? Did he see you?"
"We even make eye contact," he scoffed in despair.
"Did you try to talk with him?"
"As if he is willing to listen to"

A sighed escaped from his mouth, " Grab me another drink," he told his friend.

"Fuck No! That's enough alcohol for you. You are looking like a street dog right now, " scolded his friend.

He tsk and said, "Street dogs are better than me,"
His friend just looked at him with pity eyes.

After a minute of silence, his friend decided on doing something.

"Minho?" He called....
The guy named minho looks at him sickly. "What?" He muttered.

"Wanna sing?" He asked more like telling him to do that. "What!" Minho looked at him confused.

"Man, stop being a dick , looking lifeless. Just enjoy this night, I'm sick of you crying over the past, " hyunjin complained. He was not angry that minho cried over someone or what else, but he didn't want to see his friend being weak, lifeless, sad, and always drunk like this. He wants that cheerful and fun friend he used to have before...

He had let a numerous sighed, standing up from his seat, hyunjin stood up too, they went to the music area asking for the instrument, like guitar, electric drums, the mic were already there. Some of the instrumental musicians are there too singing songs, etc .

Minho took the electric guitar and headed towards the platform,and hyunjin will play the drums.

They started playing their instruments with minho he began to sing the song "Back to me" 

I can make you mad, I can make you scream
I can make you cry, I can make you leave
I can make you hate me for everything
But I can't make you come back to me

(But I can't make you come back to me)

Called me all day,but I never picked up
Instead of pulling my weight
Always pushing my luck
You gave me all that I could take
Yeah, I took it all for granted
Head up in the clouds
Yeah, I never understand it

I remember thinking I don't need you
But then time passed by and it's so untrue
Now, I'm the rain over your parade
Reason you're over me
Yeah I always keep making the same mistakes
Maybe I never deserved you anyways

I can make you mad, I can make you scream
I can make you cry I can make you leave
I can make you hate me for everything
But I can't make you come back to me

I can make a world out of broken dreams
I can make you say things you don't mean.

I can unmake all we were made to be
But I can't make you come back to me

-same time in another Pov-
(When minho was drinking out there)

"You good?" Asked his friend, looking at him after the encounter with minho.
"Hm..yeah" jisung nodded, even though he was not.

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