Chapter thirty-eight

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Pollie Ashford's POV

"Nope, none of that until you talk. So start yapping or we'll be here all night." I grabbed hold of Romeo's hands as I sat on top of him. He was trying to distract me with his touch, but I wasn't taking any fools tonight.

He groaned, dropping his head to the back of the couch as the rest of the guys sat around the lounge.

"Can we at least do this without an audience?" He bargained with me, eyes staring into mine as he shot the guys the finger.

"No." I answered and he knew damn well why. If I was to be alone with him, there would be no chance of me resisting him. Yeah, I sound desperate but it's not desperation when this man literally has my hormones wrapped around his little finger.

"Yeah, I'm enjoying this little show of dominance from Miss P." Miguel sat back, spreading his arms wide across the back of the sofa and grinning in amusement.

Romeo started to yell at him but I did the first thing that came into my head and shoved his chest. It definitely made him shut up, but now he was looking at me funny. "Did you seriously just shove me?"

I bit back a smile before I laughed. But then I remembered I was supposed to be bad bitch Pollie, not doormat Pollie.

So I did the next rational thing that came to mind and flicked his forehead. "Hey, I thought you were gonna ask questions, not beat me up, crazy lady."

Though Rome was only teasing, the guys simultaneously made a communal "ooh" noise.

"Crazy lady?" I hovered inches from his face, feeling the effects I had on him underneath me. "You want crazy, I will give you crazy."

Just like that, I rubbed my hands against his shirt, seemingly seducing him before my fingers found what they wanted.

My lips curled upwards in satisfaction as he cursed at the contact. I nipple twisted him with both hands, causing him to try and snatch my wrists, but for once in this relationship, I worked quicker.

I dodged his capture and successfully caught his forearms instead. "Stop fucking with me and tell me the goddamn truth."

"I already did Stella."

I rolled my eyes and pushed his arms out of my grip to show my annoyance. "Telling me you thought I was in danger is not telling me the full story. I wasn't born yesterday and you're starting to piss me the hell off, so put me out of my misery and spill your freakin guts." I released a breathy exhale before dropping my forehead against his. "Please?"

He was silent for a moment, clearly debating with his inner demons until his warm hands made their way to my hips.

"Someone's been following you Stella. They're targeting you to get to me. That's why I barged into your office, and that's why I don't want you wandering out into the city alone tonight."

There was a twang of guilt in Romeo's voice as the atmosphere quickly grew tense. I don't think that was the only reason he didn't want me out tonight but now's not the time.

I didn't know what to say, I mean, what could I say? This isn't exactly any regular situation now is it?

"Oh." I sounded like a child who found out they weren't allowed to go to the zoo tomorrow.

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