Chapter 25

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The week went by fast, Remus had surprised me by showcasing my patronus in several of his other classes. Of course, my popularity just sky rocketed. Everyone became amazed that the homeschooled recluse, son of the Unspeakable could have so much magical talent.

McGonagall I noticed is a bit wary with me. We were never close, even back in my previous dimension.

"Potter, please stay after."

I composed myself as best as I could. "Yes Professor?"

"I wanted to check in with you. How are you settling into the castle?" McGonagall asked

"I'm settling in just fine. What are you really wanting to ask me?"

"How are you able to nail all these spells? I hear you're a natural prodigy." McGonagall replied.

"My mum was very bright before she had gotten sick. She taught me everything she could before sending me to live with my father." I replied.

"Who is she?" McGonagall pressed.

"Why don't you ask my dad? Or Aunt Lily? I'm sorry, but I can't be late for my next class."

"Of course Potter."


I skidded to a stop outside the hospital wing. "Madam Snape!" I called.

Mum poked her head out and smiled when she saw me. "Yes Harry?"

"You need to speak with McGonagall."

"Uh oh, she's prying isn't she?"

"Yes. I-i don't need this now. I'm nervous to meet your parents this weekend."


"Because no one ever liked me when I was growing up. I was seen as the disturbed kid." I shuddered.

"Labeled by the Muggles again?" Mum sighed uneasily.


"Look, I wish there was a quick fix to what they have done to you the past 14 years, but there isnt. All we can do now is look to make new happier memories together."

"Ok Mum, thanks."


Friday evening came a lot faster than I could ever expect. I was walking back to my dorm when Dad appeared.

"You ready?"

" ready as I can be." I grimaced.

"Why are you so nervous?" Dad asked before aperating away.

"I'm just...used to rejection."

Dad sighed,  "my parents are overjoyed to have a grandson. It doesnt matter how you came here. They already love to so much."

I sent Dad a small smile, "Thanks." I took his hand and he twisted away.

We landed on an impressive stretch of land. "Turn around Harry."

I turned and saw a huge castle, almost the size of Hogwarts itself. My jaw dropped. "This is where you and Aunt Lily grew up?!"

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