Chapter 27

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I just let Dad hold me a minute. "I don't want to leave you."

"You never will. I will always be with you, my sweet boy." Dad kissed my forehead gently before retreating. "You're waking up. Remember you are wanted. Never forget that...."

I woke up in my room at Grimmauld Place. I smiled to myself knowing both versions of James Potter are right.

"Breakfast is ready Harry!" Sirius called.

"Thank you, Dads." I turned to leave for breakfast.

"Harry, did you sleep ok?" Sirius asked

"The usual." I replied causing both men to exchange a glance.

"I'm sorry, but I need to get to work. James I'll see you later." Sirius gave Dad a quick kiss and spun away.

"We have the whole day to ourselves Harry. What do you want to do?" Dad asked.

"I like reading books, the bookstore?" I asked nervously.

"Good idea! I'll take you to Flourish and Blotts plus the Muggle bookstore. Have you read any of their stories?" Dad asked.


"Ok, we'll start there." Dad took my hand.

We appeared in Muggle London in a deserted alleyway.

"Are we in Muggle London?"

"We are." Dad replied before leading me to the bookstore. I barely stepped foot in when I heard a familiar woman's voice.

"Because Dudley, books are essential for school! Oh excuse....Potter." Petunia scowled when she came face to face with Dad.

"My apologies Petunia, women and children first." Dad held the door open.

Petunia stalked through with a huff dragging her son.

"That's Petunia in this world?" I asked

"Yes it is, unfortunately. Same bitter woman. But you are no longer related to her." Dad reminded me.

"Thank Merlin for that!"

Dad ended up buying me a huge book of Muggle fairy tales and he wizarding version too.

"Let's go get something to eat." Dad suggested.


Once we were seated with our food, did I ask a question. "Dad, have you ever been bowling?"

"Mum took us once, Lily kept getting strike after strike. It was only afterwards she was using her accidental magic to make the ball hit the pins." Dad laughed.

"How accidental was that magic?" I laughed

"Lily was only 7. Her desire to win overtook her magic, I suppose. My magic didn't come till I was 10 years old. Mum and Dad had homeschooled us, and I bumped into this Muggle kid. Let's just say he wasn't the nicest, so I umm....I had him accidentally trip over his shoes. Only to find his laces had tied themselves together." Dad roared in laughter.

"Was it an accident?" I asked

"Maybe?" Dad smirked before we both burst into laughter.

"Did you know early on you'd be a wizard and Mum a witch?" I asked

"We knew. There were other incidents when we were younger. But we can't remember them now. Come on, want to look at the flying brooms?"

"Ok. I used to fly in my other world. I was the youngest seeker in a century." I stated

"Taking after me, eh?"

"I was. But Quidditch isn't part of my life now. I wasn't the best student and I want to correct that now." I replied.

"Good for you! So was Severus scary in your dimension?"

In response, I pulled a memory out. "you can play that later."

"Oh, I will."

When we got back home, I grew very tired. "I'm gonna take a nap."

"Good idea. Sleep well."

Once again, I found myself in the cupboard under the stairs. I believe I'm about 8 or 9 years old. "Mum, Dad?" I whimpered.

I heard loud voices yelling about the Freak. Meaning me. I rocked back and forth.

"Harry! Harry, please wake up!" A voice called frantically from far away.

My eyes snapped open and I saw concerned grey eyes gazing into mine. "Sirius?" I asked confused.

"Are you ok?"

"Yea, bad dream. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. What happened? You were tossing and turning."

"Nightmare. I thought I was over all of it." I groaned.

"I get some nightmares my own self. My family was horrible and at times when I least expect it, I'm that scared young Gryffindor kid again." Sirius explained.

"Whenever I wake up i usually end up screaming. It's bloody embarrassing." I admitted.

"Wish you could take Dreamless Sleep Potion, but you could become immune to it in the long term." Sirius looked thoughtful.

"They're getting less with more time out of that dimension." I replied

"I'm glad, so how're your classes going?" Sirius asked.

"Thought you would know the answer to that, Padfoot."

"No, McGonagall doesn't tell me a thing. Made any new friends?"

"A boy named Levi. It's just weird for me, all the friends I had are two years younger." I made a face.

"And your nervous about reinventing yourself?" Sirius asked.

"I guess I am. Is who I'm becoming who I want to be? I want to make my parents proud. And Snape too, by extent." I stated.

Sirius sighed, "Harry, you were an amazing surprise for my husband and his sister! They are so happy to have you in their lives. Lily would skin me alive if I ever told you, but she and Severus were expecting a baby before the twins were born. It was a boy, but had died during childbirth. They were going to name him Harry Tobias Potter."


"Their lives are a lot better with you in them." Sirius stated

Tears came to my eyes, "don't ever tell anyone I cried over this, but thank you."

"Anytime." Sirius smiled.


"So, what else did you get up to in your younger years?" I asked during dinner.

Sirius smiled, "well, I uh asked James out when I was 12. Of course the prat thought I had meant as friends."

"You should have seen how red his face was when he meant as a date! I admit, at first I didn't see myself liking blokes, but i found I like witches and wizards. When Sirius had proclaimed his live for me at 16, I had fallen so hard for him." Dad nudged Sirius affectionately.

"Oh you big softie." Sirius chuckled before planting a kiss on Dad's cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13 ⏰

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