Chapter 13 Part 2

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Luckily for Matthew, with treatment tuberculosis wouldn't be deadly for him. But this was definitely a wake up sign to himself and from God that it was time to get his life together. He went to visit his sister and his niece "Charlyn" , cherish wasn't surprised that this happened but felt bad that her brother had to learn the hard way about sleeping around with different women. Matthew wanted to make things right with Cherry so he could be connected to his two children David and Ariel.

6 years later , in 1979 , things have changed for the family completely. Justin had his own daughter and named her "Maxine" although he was not married to the woman he had his daughter with , Matthew and Cherry weren't able to completely work out all their issues but she allowed David and Ariel to see their father 8 years of only weekend visitations only , blossom was okay with Matthew and were on a good page for the sake of their son Jerry Jr , Joicy and Derick were adjusting to having to raise a daughter who is gong through pre-teen puberty , cherish and Brian moved into a larger home and plan on having their second child , hopeful that it'll be a boy but for now they are happy with their daughter "charlyn" , and Jerry and maxi's daughter Deborah was about to enter high school , but they initially had plans to send her off to an all girl boarding school.

unfortunately, Melissa's husband was battling cancer and had passed. The whole family showed up for her and Joicy and Derrick helped her pay for the casket and the repast. Melissa's husband was very important to the family just as any other freinds of the family were. Mrs.Sena and Mr.Vangoe after all these years were still going strong as a couple and were empty nesters since all of their kids had now moved and gone their separate ways , but make it their priority to visit often times weekends but mostly holidays and special events. Sharleen and the pastor were still down a dark path with their association with the devil and his demons but for the pastor soon enough he would grow tired of the same old routine.

The pastor was so drained and would look in the mirror and see someone who was lost. He didn't understand now it went this far and how he allowed himself to go down this dark path. One night , the pastor had a dream that God sent him to hell because of his evil acts and he seen everything the Bible had told him about hell would be. He had seen (Revelation 21:8 , Matthew 13:50 , and Revelation 19:20) all in real time. It was a scary experience , there where people and demons being tormented day and night , it never stopped. What God had allowed him to see is just the tip of an iceberg that we know about hell and what it to be. Hell was originally a place for the fallen angels , but since Adam and Eve , it opened the door for us to know about things of the kingdom of darkness. No one that is human can depict what hell will look like or what it would be , But God just wanted to show the pastor a warning before it was too late.

After that warning he got from God , he still didn't bother to repent. He knew the road of recovery would be a long suffering process because he was deep in bed with the devil , he started to hate himself and who he became. Sharleen was stuck in her ways and had the jezebel spirit all over her. She would sleep with the men in the church and convince them to become war locks and would threaten the lives of anyone who would blow her cover on who she is. She ended up marrying the devil to become one of his many wives and she would have to dedicate her life to him and do evil more disgusting rituals. Three more years had gone by , 1982 , and the sins of the church were getting worser , Sharleen was turning the church into a cult and committing sins while doing ungodly acts while in the sanctuary. The pastor was slowly becoming tired of these things and wanted out. One night as the two were laying in bed the pastor had asked to talk to Sharleen. "Sharleen the power , the money , the community centers and other properties but I can't take this anymore". The pastor "I feel terrible about the things I've done and it feels like I'm lost , I feel empty inside.
Sharleen said while laughing "Are you giving up on me? I brought you into this and put money in your pockets and this is how you repay me with this blasphemy?". Pastor "No I was just saying I thinking we should repent before it's too late , God gave me a dream and I don't think I want you or me to go to hell".
Sharleen "if you think you're gonna just leave it's never that easy , don't forget you made deals with the devil? Don't forget you would owe the devil loads of money and be in debt? If I was you I was just forget about it and go back to sleep". The pastor cried himself to sleep , he felt like he didn't have any help especially with his wife of being supportive of the decision. He knew that since Sharleen was one of the devils's wives , it was only a matter of time before she betrayed him to the devil and have him killed to silence him.

G.C Bounds (Generational Curses: The Seeds That Were Planted)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt