[ v ] | Reasons

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     Kai looked out of his balcony, in his hand was a opened can of beer which he took a gulp and set it on the railing. He sharply exhaled through his nose, the silence in his mind annoying him. Even drinking didn't make him feel tipsy. He goarned and turned back, leaning on the railing and taking another swing off the can, finishing it.

    He crushed it and aimed for the bin,  his throw unsuccessfully landing a bit off the mouth of the bin. Kai goarned and threw himself on his bed, a headache coming up. His mind kept replaying what Cole had said to him;
    "... You're so sexy when you're mad at me..."

    And how did he that in perfect Korean?! Which meant Kai's insults were kinda useless.
    He also wondered about the other things he saw last night; the strange new people, the red head more specifically and Lloyd also being there with his own bike which Kai had no idea he could ride. He wondered if it was some sort of test he was put through but given all the limited information or nothing at all wasn't really supporting the idea in the first place. But as much as Kai resented to being tested like this, he was eager to race again, maybe even with some competition. He just wanted to race and just enjoy the fun of it.

     He wondered why he stopped in the first place. Maybe it was when his parents got more busier and went aboard quite a lot; leaving responsibility of his sister and brother all on him. He had wondered then if it was some cruel joke to dump so much gravity on a high schooler. But then again, he was entitled to it the day he met Nya and Lloyd.
    He has grown to accept it, ditching most of his hobbies— which included a great deal of racing— to take care and look out for his family, at least the ones that seem to give a shit now and then.

    Maybe that's why he had gotten used to drinking. Alcohol was the only solution to his problems, if no one was there to listen. Over time, a beer or two after an argument would fix it; it would fix him.

     Kai sighed and turned on his bed, rolling to the edge and staring at the wall blackly, his thoughts just making his head feel worse. "Maybe I do need a real girlfriend" he muttered to himself, turning on his side again and grabbing a pillow, sighing into it. He smelled something else. He froze and opened his eyes, looking over the pillow again. He denied it to himself a thousand times. Flashes of that night came to mind, he was pretty sure he had no control over himself. Of course it didn't feel right, but—
    No buts, absolutely none! Kai tossed the pillow across his room and grabbed the sheets but quickly getting up to a seated position as another scene made him blush madly. "No no, Definitely not happening. I was just desperate-" Kai took a deep breath and took his phone, unlocking it and scrolled to Instagram. He looked at the saved post of Cole over the car and cracked a smile without realizing. But when he felt even a bit of that feeling he pushed it away and scrowled, scrolling past it just to get his eye off off it.

     It was Saturday night so Kai didn't really feel like hanging out with Alex or anything; honestly he just felt amused by the guy and boxing was bacically almost the only time they met, not counting a handful of other classes. And besides Kai wasn't prepared for his cheery hugs at this time. He crawled to the edge of his bed and looked out the window, hearing the traffic busting in the night life of the city. Ninjago city was probably one of the busiest and crime invested cities out there; Kai could bet on it. Why hadn't they moved? Kai didn't know but he knew that his parents had a deep connection to this place to leave. What that was the big question.
     He started to miss his mother again, remembering an old memory of her reading a bed time story to him in the same room when he was little. Nya was more closer to their father while Lloyd and Kai had more connections to his mother's soft side.
     Kai had definitely inherited quite a lot from his father but he felt connected to his mother more, her kind smile warming his heart every time was thrown and twisted by destiny. He wasn't the one to believe in the mysterious path of destiny or any of her signs. It just seemed useless at the end of the day when you're at your lowest point and the universe just smack another tornado at you.

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